Bachelor's courses
BS in Agribusiness Management
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BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
major in:
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Agricultural & Bio-Process Engineering |
Agricultural Power and Machinery Engineering |
Land & Water Resources Engineering |
Structures and Environment |
BS in Agricultural Biotechnology
major in:
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Animal Biotechnology |
Crop Protection Biotechnology |
Food Biotechnology |
Plant Biotechnology |
BS in Agricultural Chemistry
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BS in Agricultural Economics
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Duration: 4 years
Area of specialization in:
Agricultural Finance and Cooperatives Marketing and Price Analysis Policy and Development Production Economics and Farm Management
Course description:
This program provides a student with the basic knowledge of various agricultural sciences and the basic tools of economic analysis used in identifying and solving economic problems of production and organization. The curriculum also provides the student with adequate background in the social sciences to enable him/her to appreciate the socio-economic framework of the economy. Students can choose from among four areas of specialization: production economics and farm management; marketing and price analysis; agricultural finance and cooperatives; and policy and development.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 20,000-25,000 per semester
Read 2 testimonials of BS in Agricultural Economics graduates of UP Los Banos
Production Economics and Farm Management |
BS in Agricultural Engineering
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BS in Agriculture
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Duration: 4 years
Major in:
Agricultural Extension Agroforestry Agronomy Animal Science Entomology Horticulture Plant Pathology Soil Science Weed Science
Course description:
This program provides education on scientifically- based sustainable agriculture. Students specialize in various areas and fields such as agricultural systems, agricultural extension, agronomy, animal science, entomology, horticulture, plant pathology, soil science, and landscape agroforestry.
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Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 20,000-25,000 per semester
Read 3 testimonials of BS in Agriculture graduates of UP Los Banos
Agricultural Extension |
Agroforestry |
Agronomy |
Animal Science |
Entomology |
Horticulture |
Plant Pathology |
Soil Science |
Weed Science |
BS in Forestry
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Science in Forestry is a general curriculum designed to produce graduates who are competent professionals in environmental forestry, production and industrial forestry, social forestry, and agroforestry. Graduates undergo the forestry licensure examination as required by the Professional Regulation Commission
» Read the BS in Forestry description by
Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 20,000-25,000 per semester
Read 9 testimonials of BS in Forestry graduates of UP Los Banos
Certificate courses
Certificate in Forestry
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Master's courses
Master of Agriculture
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Agronomy |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MAgr AGR is a non-thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the MAgr AGR program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in production and management of field crops. Students who intend to apply for the program must have background or must take basic courses in crop physiology, organic chemistry, and soil fertility. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Horticulture |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MAgr HORT is a non-thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the MS HORT program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in various fields of specialization in horticulture. Students who intend to apply for the program must have background or must take basic courses in crop physiology, organic chemistry, genetics, and experimental designs. Under the program, a student may specialize in one of the seven areas of study. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units. Specialization Under the MS HORT program, a student may specialize in any of the following areas of study: 1. Crop Physiology 2. Crop Breeding 3. Crop Production and Management/Farming Systems 4. Propagation and Nursery Management 5. Embryology/Tissue Culture 6. Postharvest Horticulture 7. Seed Technology
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Master of Forestry
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Duration: 2 years
Major in:
Forest Biological Science Forest Resources Management Silviculture and Forestry Influences Social Forestry Wood Science and Technology
Course description:
Through the Master of Forestry, we provide advanced and more comprehensive appreciation of the major fields in forestry and prepare graduates for independent forestry research and scientific work. Specializations may be chosen from the following areas: Forest Biological Sciences, Forest Resource Management, Silviculture and Forest Influences, Social Forestry, and Wood Science and Technology. Depending on their specialization, graduates would be equipped with the capacity to: provide the science and technology in climate change mitigation and adaptation; serve as specialists/experts in local, national, and international organizations or as policy makers; work as forest plantation managers, managers of forest-based industries, and specialists/experts in forest restoration and rehabilitation; and work in the academe and R&D institutions as development planners.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Forest Resources Management |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Graduate Program focusing on Sustainable Forest Management, Watershed Management, Forest Resource Economics, Marketing and Valuation, Tropical Forests and Climate Change, Ecotourism, GIS and Remote Sensing in Forest and Natural Resources Management, Timber Resources Production and Management, Production and Management of Non-Forest Wood Products. Opportunities Graduates serving as specialists/experts in local, national and International Organizations in the aforementioned fields of specialization; Alumni have distinguished themselves as forest managers, policy makers/advisers both in the Philippines and abroad. Areas of Specialization 1. Environmental Forest Management - Tropical Forest and Climate Change; 2. Forest Policy and Administration - Policy formulation, review, advocacy, implementation; effective governance 3. Forest Resource Economics - Economics of production, distribution and consumption of forest resources, goods and services. 4. Forest Biometry - Theories, concepts, modern approaches and recent developments in natural resources assessment. Students in this program are trained in the evaluation and assessment of efficiency and applicability of newly developed quantitative and other survey and measurement tools for natural resources planning and management. 5. Non-timber Resources Management - Sustainable development of NWFPs, their production and management in the natural forest and artificial plantation. 6. Watershed Management - Sustainable management of multiple resources in watersheds; planning, management, and conservation of watersheds; land-use planning, allocation; institutional and financial aspects of watershed management; enabling policies for improved watershed management
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Silviculture and Forestry Influences |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Graduate Program in Silviculture, Silvics, Forest Soils, Agroforestry, Forest Restoration and Rehabilitation, Plantation Forestry and Tree Farming. Opportunities Graduates become forest plantation managers; specialists/experts in forest restoration and rehabilitation; consultants to forest plantation developers; Specialists in the aforementioned field in local, regional, national and international organizations; Graduates have became heads of International Organizations and recipients of Nobel Peace Prize for work on Climate Change. Areas of Specialization 1. Silviculture Restoration and management of natural forests; intensive silvicultural systems; development and management of forest plantations and nurseries 2. Agroforestry Indigenous and modern agroforestry systems; planning and designing agroforestry systems 3. Tree Improvement Improvement of forest tree species for increased and improved forest production; Clonal forestry; forest genetics resources conservation; tree domestication
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Wood Science and Technology |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Deals with wood science, wood technology and industrial management Opportunities Graduates would be able to manage forest based industries e.g., pulp and paper, furniture, composite boards, plywood. Graduates could also go to research institutes to do research, or teach in universities that offer forestry degrees.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Forest Biological Science |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The major field caters to the objectives of the College in • training people in the proper administration and wise utilization of the country’s remaining forest resources in order to meet the demand for high quality manpower in forestry in the country; • conducting research needed for the better management, protection and utilization of Philippine forests; and • conducting public education and information programs for the purpose of disseminating knowledge, concerning forest conservation and various technologies in forestry. Opportunities With climate change requiring mitigation and adaptation, the science and technology needed can be provided by the graduate program.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Social Forestry |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The masteral programs in social forestry aim to develop professional leadership in the promotion of social forestry as a strategy in the development of both human as well as forest and other natural resources. Opportunities Being trained in an interdisciplinary mode, graduates of MS Forestry: Social Foresty can actively seek employment as faculty member, researcher or extension manager in broad areas of forest management (e.g. Comuunity based forest management, watershed management, park management, etc.), or serve as consultant or development planner for LGU's and international development organizations. The scope of social forestry provides wide latitude for professional engagement.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Master of Management major in Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
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Duration: 2 years
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agricultural Chemistry
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Designed to provide students chemistry concepts, theories and principles needed to conduct research relevant to agro-industrial development. Opportunities Graduates become eligible to handle key positions in government, academic and private institutions. They can be employed as managers, supervisors, faculty members, researchers and consultants.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agricultural Economics
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Agricultural economics as a major of field of study involves the application of economic theories, principles and tools in analyzing problems and issues in agricultural and rural development. Opportunities • The Program prepares the student for a wide array of possible career choices • Many Graduates of this field are actually currently employed in key international agencies (e.g. World Bank, ADB) and even more as project consultants for international and local consulting firms engaged in development projects. • Many of the have gone to become distinguished professors, lecturers and mentors in major SCUs in the Philippines and abroad. • Many Graduates are employed in strategic agencies that are mandated with policy making and analysis and implementation of projects for national development (e.g. NEDA, DA, DENR, PCARDD-DOST, PCMARRD-DOST). • Many more graduates work in banks, financial companies, and private agribusiness companies (local and abroad) as market analysts. Areas of Specialization 1. Farm Management and Production Economics The field of Farm Management and Production Economics provides major students with a strong foundation in the application of advanced production theories, farm management tools and other quantitative methods to analyze problems and issues in agricultural production and farm management. 2. Natural Resource Economics The field of Natural Resource Economics provides Agricultural Economics major with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the applications of basic and advanced economic theories, principles, concepts and tools in the formulation and economic analysis of natural resources and environmental policies. 3. Policy and Development The field of Policy and Development provides graduate students in Agricultural Economics the foundation to clearly understand the entire spectrum of development as well as to identify the major challenges and issues of economic development. 4. Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis The field of Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis prepares graduate students for teaching, research, regulatory, consulting and staff analysis positions in the area of agricultural and food marketing systems and strategies, food and agricultural product prices, organizations and performance of markets and policies affecting the marketing system.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agricultural Education
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Agricultural Education is a teacher-education in agriculture program aimed to prepare teachers and education development practitioners. As a research specialization stream, the program emphasizes the historical and critical analysis of managerial, curriculum, instructional strategies and techniques of formal educational systems. Graduates under the specialization stream are prepared as leaders in the scientific investigation of educational phenomena that will evolve effective ways of managing, teaching and learning agriculture and it's allied fields in order to improve the productivity of it's practitioners and the institutions they represent. Its goal is to discover laws or generalizations about validated patterns of human behavior which can be used to make predictions, control events and develop knowledge and techniques on enhancing community learning to bring about desired individual and social behavioral change within the community. Opportunities Graduates of the program may become educators, researchers, community development practitioners, consultants in government and nongovernmental developmental programs, local government administrators, and development managers.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agricultural Engineering
major in:
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Agricultural and Bio-Processing |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The field of Agricultural & Bio-Processing (ABPRO) covers the gamut of handling and storage of crops in fresh form from farm to market, to processing of agricultural materials into food, feed products, and industrial products. Loss reduction, quality retention, improved efficiency, and cost effectiveness of the various postharvest and processing operations are prime considerations in development of technologies for ABPRO. Coursework covers heat, mass, and momentum transfer, crop processing operations, physical properties of agricultural materials, and refrigeration systems. Students are also encouraged to enroll in elective courses in other colleges of UPLB to broaden their perspective and increase their understanding of biosystems. These electives generally include courses in animal science, postharvest horticulture, agricultural economics, and food science. Postharvest Engineering – high-value commercial crops include fresh fruits, vegetables, and cutflowers. Due to their inherent perishability, a significant fraction of the volume produced yearly is lost due to improper handling, inappropriate packaging, and inadequate storage and transport facilities. More distant production areas, greater need for food safety, and stricter quality requirements all pose an increasing challenge to agricultural and biosystems engineers. This area of specialization of Agricultural Engineering is involved in the sorting and grading, packaging, temperature management, transport, and short-term storage of high-value crops. Development of equipment, facilities, and protocols to reduce losses, extend shelf life, and maintain quality of perishable crops in fresh form are the main objectives of this field of specialization. Crop Processing – involves the transformation of raw agricultural materials into intermediate or finished products such as animal feed, crude oil extracts for biofuel production, industrial fibers. This field of specialization involves the determination of physical properties of raw materials, development of size reduction and extraction equipment and processes, evaluation of processed products, and drying and dehydration methods. Special emphasis is placed on drying and milling of Philippine crops such as rice and corn. Food Engineering – is the integration of the fields of engineering, chemistry, and microbiology for developing solutions to processing of food materials into finished products with added value and a stable shelf life. This field of specialization involves the development of new food products, pharmaceuticals, food processing machinery, packaging materials and edible coatings, processing protocols, and treatments for processing plant waste. Energy Engineering – involved in biomass and other alternative energy resource development (calculation of energy potentials, policy formulation, status of the industry), biofuels potential and sustainability, energy conservation and efficiency measures, and theory and design of combustion systems for agricultural commodities. Thermal Processing – principles and application of psychrometry in postharvest engineering and crop processing applications, design of refrigerated storage systems, and thermodynamic analysis of postharvest and thermal systems. Opportunities This field of specialization gives students perspectives on both engineering and biological aspects of a problem in handling and processing a crop into a higher-value product. This allows them to develop solutions that are innovative, appropriate, and sustainable. Hence, they are well prepared for careers in postharvest handling and storage of durable and perishable crops, food engineering, animal feed production, or the biofuel industry. Note that all these areas are expanding nationally as well as globally as food safety and security, and scarcity of oil become issues of concern.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Farm Power and Machinery |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The field of Farm Power and Machinery involves the application of mechanical, physical, biological and electronic principles to the solution of real-life problems or issues in crop/fruit/vegetable production and processing. Among others, the coursework includes the study of theories of soil failure, traction, compaction, and floatation on agricultural soils; dynamics of seeding and transplanting, soil-seed and seedling–machine interactions; principles of digital and analogue measurements and control of temperature, humidity, strain, moisture content, pressure and fluid flow in engineering process; methods of testing and inspection of engineering materials, strain measurement, brittle-coating, and related instrumentation; and design of energy systems using conventional, non-conventional, renewable and other alternative power sources. Machine Design and Development – deals with the mastery of problem definition and analysis, design conceptualization, and machine development. This includes understanding the principles, guidelines and standards in technical specifications, computation of the strength of materials, and definition of tolerances. Methods of testing and performance evaluation of machines are also studied. Renewable Energy – concerned with the study, design and development of systems for harnessing alternative energy resources such as biomass, solar, wind and water power. The biomass area will concentrate on the production aspects of the substrate for fuels such as alcohol and oil. It also will deal with direct utilization of biomass such as those for application in agricultural and rural operations. In solar energy, the focus will be on thermal applications while wind and hydropower engineering will seek niche in small-scale applications and systems Machine Vision and Robotics – using computer technology and principles in electronics in combination with mechanical mechanisms to design and develop automatic systems for agricultural applications. This involves the study of digital image processing, principles of electronic sensors and actuators, computer programming, and control systems. Instrumentation and Control – deals with the fundamental characteristics of instruments for measurements and regulation of various physical properties of materials and processes. This covers the determination of parameters such as flow, temperature, level, forces or pressure using both analog and digital measurement and control systems. Agricultural Ergonomics – the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, it's movements, and it's cognitive abilities. It is aimed to fulfill the two goals of health and productivity. It is relevant in the design of products that are safe and easy-to-use. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability. It takes account of the user's capabilities and limitations to ensure that tasks, equipment, information and the environment suit the user. Tillage Systems – deals with the soil properties and the characteristics of the interaction of soil and soil-engaging tool. These include evaluation of the soil reaction forces, pulverization characteristics, and the various factors affecting the interaction of the soil and the implement for upland and lowland conditions, and for passive and active tillage implements. Opportunities Farm Power and Machinery as a field of specialization imparts to students the analytical mind to apply the principles and knowledge gained from the study of biological, agricultural, and physical sciences in addressing real needs and concerns in agricultural production from land preparation to harvesting and threshing stage. The aim is to conceptualize and develop a better method or approach, an improved machine, or an upgraded system in terms of efficiency, more comfort to operator, capacity, ease of operation, and production profitability. With the incorporation of computer and electronic technologies, the designed machine or system will be more enhanced as some degree of automation can be implemented. For instance, digital image processing techniques and control methods can be explored to simplify an activity and increase precision and accuracy of component parts. These prepare the students for careers in design, innovation, construction, consultancy work and others, in both government and private companies or agencies with domestic or international scope.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Land and Water Resources |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The core content of the curriculum focuses on land and water resources engineering, which is designed to provide graduates with the ability to impart knowledge in resources development and management, and to conduct a sharply focused and detailed academic research. Opportunities Graduates of the Master's program are expected to have acquired expertise in irrigation and drainage, irrigation agronomy, hydrology, soil and water conservation, land use planning, and water resources utilization and management. Graduates of the PhD program are expected to have a broad and in-depth view of land and water resources as they relate to agricultural production, the conservation and protection of these resources, and the maintenance of the integrity and stability of the environment.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agrometeorology
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MS in Agrometeorology is an interdisciplinary field which relates the elements of atmospheric environment with agribusiness operations. It is designed to prepare students to deal with the weather-related problems affecting agricultural activity from the long-range planning to the daily operations. Agrometeorology will train students in (a) the selection of the production sites for a given crop or livestock for a given site; (b) microclimate modification and control; (c) management of extreme weather events, such as drought and flooding; (d) weather forecasting and crop yield forecasting; (e) geographic information system and remote sensing applications; (f) and agrometeorological instrumentation. Opportunities Graduates of the program will be qualified to work in the field of instructions, research and development in academe or in industry as well as consulting firms. Academic and research institutions that may require graduates of the program include state colleges and universities, private universities and colleges, and government agencies (e.g. PAGASA, PHILRICE). Graduates may also venture into entrepreneurial activities by putting up their own farm business.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Agronomy
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MS AGR is a thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the MS AGR program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in various fields of specialization in agronomy. Students who intend to apply for the program must have background or must take basic courses in crop physiology, organic chemistry, and soil fertility. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units. Specializations 1. Crop Physiology 2. Crop Production and Management 3. Seed Science and Technology 4. Weed Science
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Animal Science
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Graduate study in the field of Animal Science covers a variety of specializations which includes Animal Breeding, Animal Physiology, Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, Dairy Technology and Meat Science (for MSc only). Opportunities Advanced study in animal science equips graduates to handle key positions in government, academic institutions, and private companies. Graduates become employed as managers, supervisors, faculty members, researchers, consultants, practitioners, technicians. They also create opportunities for others as farm entrepreneurs. Areas of Specialization 1. Animal Breeding 2. Animal Nutrition 3. Animal Physiology 4. Animal Production 5. Dairy Technology 6. Meat Science
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Botany
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MS Botany program is part of the post-baccalaureate degree offerings of the Institute of Biological Sciences administered by the UPLB Graduate School. Its main goals are to develop the ability of the students to undertake critical inquiry and independent research in the plant sciences, to widen their field of knowledge, as well as to develop their professional leadership. Its first graduate can be traced in 1972 when this program was then offered by the Department of Botany of the College of Sciences and Humanities. With the renaming of the College of Sciences and Humanities to the College of Arts and Sciences in 1977, this program continued to grow and flourish at the Institute of Biological Sciences formally established in 1983. The program at present has a current teaching staff of 11 graduate faculty members (9 doctoral and 2 master degree holders) who are experts in various fields of botany. Opportunities Opportunities of graduates include research and/or teaching positions in the government and private sector as well as technical support to plant-based industries.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Entomology
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Entomology will provide various activities leading to a better understanding of Philippine insects and related arthropods; the development of effective pest management systems that support national agricultural production programs; training of Filipino and foreign students in the entomological profession; the development of industries based on beneficial insects. Opportunities Entomology majors, especially those with advanced degrees, land into more challenging positions in teaching, research and management of private insecticide companies and pest control establishments aside from agricultural fields Other Opportunities include Instruction, Public Health, Private Sector, Pest Control Business, Research, Conservation and Biodiversity, Entrepreneurship, Extension, Agriculture, Medical and Veterinary Field Area of Specialization 1. IPM/Economic Entomology - Bionomics and control of the major agricultural insect and mite pests of crop plants 2. Biological Control - Principles and methods of biological control of insect pests. 3. Insecticide Toxicology - Physio-chemical concepts of the action of toxic agents in biochemical systems ; mechanism of action of anticholinesterase inhibitors, insecticide resistance and synergism, selective toxicity 4. Host Plant Resistance to Insects - Pest control through resistant plants, methods of selection, analysis of the components of resistance, interactions between resistant plants and insects. 5. Insect Taxonomy and Systematics - Recent concepts in systematics ; original research on taxonomic group of student’s interest. 6. Insect Ecology - Contemporary ecological concepts and methods as they relate to insect populations. 7. Insect Pathology and Microbiology - Insect pathology and microbiology including biological relationships between microorganisms and insects. 8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology - Bionomics, identification and control of the major arthropods affecting man and domestic animals. 9. Insect Molecular Biology - Molecular aspects of insect biology and the use of biotechnology in entomological research and Integrated Pest Mangement (IPM) 10. Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogen - Insect vectors of plant pathogens, techniques of plant pathogen transmission, interrelationships of plants, insects and pathogens ; physiology of insects in relation to transmission of plant pathogens. 11. Insect Physiology and Biochemistry - Biochemical bases of life processes in insects. 12. Acarology - The taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of the Acari ; their habitats, trophic functions, life cycles, behavior and distribution 13. Pesticide Chemistry - Chemical and physical properties, formulations, biological effects and behavior of insecticides ; Physio-chemical concepts of the action of toxic agents in biochemical systems ; mechanism of action of anticholinesterase inhibitors, insecticide resistance and synergism, selective toxicity ; Analysis of pesticide residues ; their fate in the environment and their ecological significance ; pesticide legislations
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Forestry
major in:
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Forest Biological Sciences |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The major field caters to the objectives of the College in (1) training people in the proper administration and wise utilization of the country’s remaining forest resources in order to meet the demand for high quality manpower in forestry in the country; (2) conducting research needed for the better management, protection and utilization of Philippine forests; and (3) conducting public education and information programs for the purpose of disseminating knowledge, concerning forest conservation and various technologies in forestry. Opportunities With climate change requiring mitigation and adaptation, the science and technology needed can be provided by the graduate program.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Forest Resources Management |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Graduate Program focusing on Sustainable Forest Management, Watershed Management, Forest Resource Economics, Marketing and Valuation, Tropical Forests and Climate Change, Ecotourism, GIS and Remote Sensing in Forest and Natural Resources Management, Timber Resources Production and Management, Production and Management of Non-Forest Wood Products. Opportunities Graduates serving as specialists/experts in local, national and International Organizations in the aforementioned fields of specialization; Alumni have distinguished themselves as forest managers, policy makers/advisers both in the Philippines and abroad. Areas of Specialization 1. Environmental Forest Management - Tropical Forest and Climate Change; 2. Forest Policy and Administration - Policy formulation, review, advocacy, implementation; effective governance 3. Forest Resource Economics - Economics of production, distribution and consumption of forest resources, goods and services. 4. Forest Biometry - Theories, concepts, modern approaches and recent developments in natural resources assessment. Students in this program are trained in the evaluation and assessment of efficiency and applicability of newly developed quantitative and other survey and measurement tools for natural resources planning and management. 5. Non-timber Resources Management - Sustainable development of NWFPs, their production and management in the natural forest and artificial plantation. 6. Watershed Management - Sustainable management of multiple resources in watersheds; planning, management, and conservation of watersheds; land-use planning, allocation; institutional and financial aspects of watershed management; enabling policies for improved watershed management
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Silviculture and Forest Influences |
Social Forestry |
Wood Science and Technology |
MS in Horticulture
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The MS HORT is a thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the MS HORT program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in various fields of specialization in horticulture. Students are trained to conduct researches that go beyond correlative comparisons but also to determine the causative mechanisms for these. Students who intend to apply for the program must have background or must take basic courses in crop physiology, organic chemistry, genetics, and experimental designs. Under the program, a student may specialize in one of the seven areas of study. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units. Specialization Under the MS HORT program, a student may specialize in any of the following areas of study: 1. Crop Physiology 2. Crop Breeding 3. Crop Production and Management/Farming Systems 4. Propagation and Nursery Management 5. Embryology/Tissue Culture 6. Postharvest Horticulture 7. Seed Technology
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Plant Breeding
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The M.S. And Ph.D. In Plant Breeding programs were instituted at the University of the Philippines Los Baños in 1982 that puts under a common degree program masters’/doctoral students of UPLB specializing in plant breeding. The student’s department affiliation is generally determined by his crop of interest Opportunities Adequate laboratory facilities are available in the participating departments as well as in other units of the university or graduate research that requires microscopes, chemical analyses, tissue culture, controlled environmental conditions, and others. Part of the more than 4,000 hectares of experimental field and Makiling Forest Reserve of UPLB is available for student’s research.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Plant Pathology
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Plant Pathology is the scientific study of plant diseases- their causes, interaction with host, taxonomy, biology, ecology, epidemiology, and development of management strategies. Opportunities Plant Pathology majors with advanced degrees land into more challenging administrative positions in government agencies and academic and research institutions; or supervisory/managerial positions in private industry. Area of Specialization 1. Mycology - biodiversity works on fungi and fungal-like organisms; identification, taxonomy and physiology studies. 2. Phytobacteriology - nature and biology of bacterial plant pathogens: their classification, life cycles in relation to disease development, host physiological responses to infection, ecology and control. 3. Plant Virology - classification and nomenclature, properties of plant viruses and disease they cause, principles and techniques of virus detection and disease diagnosis; control and management of plant virus diseases. 4. Phytonematology - advances in phytonematological research with emphasis on nematode density/plant yield relationships, host-parasite relations, population dynamics, cytology, physiology, taxonomy, systemticas, and management. 5. Postharvest Pathology - the nature, pathogenesis and control of postharvest diseases of crops 6. Epidemiology - quantitative aspects of plant disease epidemiology, modeling, and systems simulation, coupling models, quantifying yield loss and multiple disease effects. 7. Disease management - exclusion and eradication of plant diseases ; protection and immunization of plants; recent advances in plant disease control. 8. Biological Control - nature, mechanisms and interaction involved in the biological control of plant pathogens ; isolation, utilization, and mass production of biological control agents. 9. Molecular Plant Pathology - molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions and application of molecular diagnostics and markers in plant pathology. 10. Disease resistance - manifestations and genetics of disease resistance in plants, nature and causes of variation in plant pathogens, breeding for disease resistance and utilization of resistant genes.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
MS in Soil Science
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
Soil Science as a major field focuses on the understanding of the nature and properties of soils and how they relate to improvement on the uses of land particularly in agriculture. Principles in soil science provide in-depth knowledge about the behavior of soils as they are applied to crop and animal production including other uses. These principles are vital to issues related to impacts of climate change on crop and animal production particularly in relation to anticipated changes on soil temperature and moisture regimes. Opportunities MS graduates in various fields of Soil Science can be effective team leaders in research, extension and agricultural development programs. They can also be good partners in the preparation and implementation of agricultural development plans. They can acquire sufficient level of expertise to serve as university professors. Area of Specialization 1. Soil Fertility - Graduates in this field have the capability to assess adverse effects on soil health and soil quality arise from nutrient imbalances in soil, excessive fertilization, consequences of environmental pollution, trace elements and organic amendments. Soil fertility experts have the full understanding in making farms more resilient and resistant to changing climate; can explain responses of soils to specific management practices to determine the capabilities of soils and the effects of alternative practices on soil productivity and sustainability. Current research frontiers in soil fertility are also included. 2. Soil Conservation and Management - Soil erosion and management experts can provide adequate guidance for the needed approaches using biological and mechanical conservation measures that can help improve soil quality for sustained productivity. Experts in this field also tackles the use of empirical and physically-based models in estimating soil loss, and non-technical issues in soil erosion and conservation as well as tillage systems effects on soil conditions important to crop production. 3. Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy - This area of specialization equips students with an in-depth understanding of the soil physicochemical properties and processes that influence the bioavailability, mobility and distribution of plant essential elements and pollutants in the environment. Experts in soil chemistry and mineralogy also have advanced knowledge of the transformation of rocks and minerals into different types of clay minerals and the nature and properties of the individual clay minerals. Students trained in this field acquire skills to carry out quantitative determinations of plant essential elements and pollutants in various agricultural and environmental samples. 4. Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification - This field of specialization prepares students to fully understand the factors of soil formation namely : parent materials, organisms, topography, climate and time, the same set of factors that govern the development of different kinds of soils. In this regards they will have the mastery about the uniqueness in terms of physical and chemical properties of each of the major kinds of soils. As expert in this field of Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification, he should be able to relate the manner by which soils are classified based on existing classification framework like the USDA Soil Taxonomy. Experts in this field should be able to relate the development and distribution and the resulting properties of major groups of soils to crop production. 5. Soil Physics - The field of soil physics equips graduates with an in-depth knowledge of the dynamic processes occuring in soils with emphasis on the transient water, solute gas, and heat. It focuses on the various laboratory technique that can help approximate the flow of liquid and gas in soil systems under saturated and unsaturated conditions. 6. Soil Microbiology - Experts in soil microbiology should be able to take advantage of their knowledge of different kinds of soil microorganisms and their role in enhancing the growth of agricultural crops. As experts in the field of soil microbiology they should have in depth knowledge of different microbial processes involved in carbon and plant nutrient transformation. Students trained in soil microbiology should be able to harness soil microorganisms to improve crop production and soil productivity through advanced knowledge of plant-microbe interaction and biotechnology. 7. Land Use - Land use experts can have adequate knowledge to help formulate land use plans especially towards improvements of existing agricultural systems under varying environmental conditions. Because of his indepth understanding about the unique features and behavior of land/soil resources and the interaction of climate as well as the prevailing political situation in an area, he can be an effective partner towards the preparation of Comprehensive Land Use Plan which is mandated by law at the municipal level. His expertise can help explore the full potential and/ or optimize the development for both agriculture and non-agricultural uses of existing land/soil land resources which is the subject of competition among different users of land.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 4,200-15,000 per semester
Doctorate courses
PhD in Agricultural Chemistry
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Course description:
Provides advanced theoretical, conceptual and practical training in chemistry for research and instruction related to agriculture and forestry Opportunities - comprehensive and advanced training in chemistry relevant to agriculture and forestry - trains student to generate new body of knowledge - graduates can work in academe, industry and government as experts in their field of specialization Areas of Specialization 1. Cocochemistry 2. Natural products characterization and utilization 3. Nano (sciences) technology applications in agriculture and forestry 4. Cereal chemistry
Admission requirements:
PhD in Agricultural Economics
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Course description:
Agricultural economics as a major of field of study involves the application of economic theories, principles and tools in analyzing problems and issues in agricultural and rural development. Opportunities • The program prepares the student for a wide array of possible career choices. • Many graduates of this field are actually currently employed in key international agencies (e.g., World Bank, ADB) and even more as project consultants for international and local consulting firms engaged in development projects. • Many of them have gone on to become distinguished professors, lecturers and mentors in major SCUs in the Philippines and abroad. • Many graduates are employed in strategic agencies that are mandated with policy making, and analysis and implementation of projects for national development (e.g., NEDA, DA, DENR, PCARRD-DOST, PCMARRD-DOST). • Many more graduates work in banks, financial companies, and private agribusiness companies (local and abroad) as market analysts. Areas of Specialization The field of Farm Management and Production Economics provides major students with a strong foundation in the application of advanced production theories, farm management tools and other quantitative methods to analyze problems and issues in agricultural production and farm management. The MS or PhD degree in Agricultural Economics major in this field of specialization prepares students for employment opportunities or a professional career in the public and private sector as teachers, researchers, farm managers, financial analysts, economic analysts, and project consultant, among others. 1. Natural Resource Economics The field of Natural Resource Economics provides Agricultural Economics majors with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the applications of basic and advanced economic theories, principles, concepts and tools in the formulation and economic analysis of natural resources and environmental policies. 2. Policy and Development The field of Policy and Development provides graduate students in Agricultural Economics the foundation to clearly understand the entire spectrum of development as well as to identify the major challenges and issues of economic development. 3. Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis The field of Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis prepares graduate students for teaching, research, regulatory, consulting and staff analysis positions in the area of agricultural and food marketing systems and strategies, food and agricultural product prices, organizations and performance of markets and policies affecting the marketing system.
Admission requirements:
PhD in Agricultural Education
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Course description:
Agricultural Education is a teacher-education in agriculture program aimed to prepare teachers and education development practitioners. As a research specialization stream, the program emphasizes the historical and critical analysis of managerial, curriculum, instructional strategies and techniques of formal educational systems. Graduates under the specialization stream are prepared as leaders in the scientific investigation of educational phenomena that will evolve effective ways of managing, teaching and learning agriculture and it's allied fields in order to improve the productivity of it's practitioners and the institutions they represent. Its goal is to discover laws or generalizations about validated patterns of human behavior which can be used to make predictions, control events and develop knowledge and techniques on enhancing community learning to bring about desired individual and social behavioral change within the community. Selling Points and Opportunities Graduates of the program may become educators, researchers, community development practitioners, consultants in government and nongovernmental developmental programs, local government administrators, and development managers.
Admission requirements:
PhD in Agricultural Engineering
major in:
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Major in:
Agricultural & Bio-Processing Farm Power and Machinery Land and Water Resources
Admission requirements:
Agricultural & Bio-Processing |
Farm Power and Machinery |
Land and Water Resources |
PhD in Agronomy
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With specialization in:
Crop Physiology Crop Production and Management
Course description:
The PhD AGR is a thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the PhD AGR program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in various fields of specialization in agronomy. Students are trained to conduct researches that go beyond correlative comparisons but also to determine the causative mechanisms for these. Under the program, a student may specialize in one of the three areas of study. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units. Specializations 1. Crop Physiology 2. Crop Production and Management 3. Weed Science
Admission requirements:
Crop Physiology |
Crop Production and Management |
PhD in Animal Science
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Course description:
Graduate study in the field of Animal Science covers a variety of specializations which includes Animal Breeding, Animal Physiology, Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, Dairy Technology and Meat Science (for MSc only). Opportunities Advanced study in animal science equips graduates to handle key positions in government, academic institutions, and private companies. Graduates become employed as managers, supervisors, faculty members, researchers, consultants, practitioners, technicians. They also create opportunities for others as farm entrepreneurs. Areas of Specialization 1. Animal Breeding 2. Animal Nutrition 3. Animal Physiology 4. Animal Production
Admission requirements:
PhD in Entomology
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Course description:
Entomology will provide various activities leading to a better understanding of Philippine insects and related arthropods; the development of effective pest management systems that support national agricultural production programs; training of Filipino and foreign students in the entomological profession; the development of industries based on beneficial insects. Opportunities Entomology majors, especially those with advanced degrees, land into more challenging positions in teaching, research and management of private insecticide companies and pest control establishments aside from agricultural fields Other Opportunities include Instruction, Public Health, Private Sector, Pest Control Business, Research, Conservation and Biodiversity, Entrepreneurship, Extension, Agriculture, Medical and Veterinary Field Area of Specialization 1. IPM/Economic Entomology - Bionomics and control of the major agricultural insect and mite pests of crop plants 2. Biological Control - Principles and methods of biological control of insect pests. 3. Insecticide Toxicology - Physio-chemical concepts of the action of toxic agents in biochemical systems ; mechanism of action of anticholinesterase inhibitors, insecticide resistance and synergism, selective toxicity 4. Host Plant Resistance to Insects - Pest control through resistant plants, methods of selection, analysis of the components of resistance, interactions between resistant plants and insects. 5. Insect Taxonomy and Systematics - Recent concepts in systematics ; original research on taxonomic group of student’s interest. 6. Insect Ecology - Contemporary ecological concepts and methods as they relate to insect populations. 7. Insect Pathology and Microbiology - Insect pathology and microbiology including biological relationships between microorganisms and insects. 8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology - Bionomics, identification and control of the major arthropods affecting man and domestic animals. 9. Insect Molecular Biology - Molecular aspects of insect biology and the use of biotechnology in entomological research and Integrated Pest Mangement (IPM) 10. Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogen - Insect vectors of plant pathogens, techniques of plant pathogen transmission, interrelationships of plants, insects and pathogens ; physiology of insects in relation to transmission of plant pathogens. 11. Insect Physiology and Biochemistry - Biochemical bases of life processes in insects. 12. Acarology - The taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of the Acari ; their habitats, trophic functions, life cycles, behavior and distribution 13. Pesticide Chemistry - Chemical and physical properties, formulations, biological effects and behavior of insecticides ; Physio-chemical concepts of the action of toxic agents in biochemical systems ; mechanism of action of anticholinesterase inhibitors, insecticide resistance and synergism, selective toxicity ; Analysis of pesticide residues ; their fate in the environment and their ecological significance ; pesticide legislations.
Admission requirements:
PhD in Forestry
major in:
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Major in:
Forest Biological Sciences Forest Resources Management Silviculture and Forestry Influences Wood Science and Technology
Admission requirements:
Forest Biological Sciences |
Forest Resources Management |
Silviculture and Forestry Influences |
Wood Science and Technology |
PhD in Horticulture
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Course description:
The PhD HORT is a thesis program of the Crop Science Cluster. Students under the PhD HORT program is expected to have a firm grasp of the underlying principles and practices in various fields of specialization in horticulture. Students are trained to conduct researches that go beyond correlative comparisons but also to determine the causative mechanisms for these. Under the program, a student may specialize in one of the six areas of study. Opportunities Graduates of the program may be tapped as teaching staff, researcher, or extension agent in agriculture colleges/universities, or as scientist at local and international research centers. A number of graduates are also employed at the Department of Agriculture and it's attached agencies. Private institutions (e.g. Multinational agricultural and chemical companies) also hire graduates as marketing specialist, technical staff, manager/supervisor, or consultant. Some graduates are also into entrepreneurial pursuits, managing own farms or other business units. Specialization Under the PhD HORT program, a student may specialize in any of the following areas of study: 1. Crop Physiology 2. Crop Breeding 3. Crop Production and Management/Farming Systems 4. Propagation and Nursery Management 5. Embryology/Tissue Culture 6. Postharvest Horticulture
Admission requirements:
PhD in Plant Pathology
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Course description:
Plant Pathology is the scientific study of plant diseases- their causes, interaction with host, taxonomy, biology, ecology, epidemiology, and development of management strategies. Opportunities Plant Pathology majors with advanced degrees land into more challenging administrative positions in government agencies and academic and research institutions; or supervisory/managerial positions in private industry. Area of Specialization 1. Mycology - biodiversity works on fungi and fungal-like organisms; identification, taxonomy and physiology studies. 2. Phytobacteriology - nature and biology of bacterial plant pathogens: their classification, life cycles in relation to disease development, host physiological responses to infection, ecology and control. 3. Plant Virology - classification and nomenclature, properties of plant viruses and disease they cause, principles and techniques of virus detection and disease diagnosis; control and management of plant virus diseases. 4. Phytonematology - advances in phytonematological research with emphasis on nematode density/plant yield relationships, host-parasite relations, population dynamics, cytology, physiology, taxonomy, systemticas, and management. 5. Postharvest Pathology - the nature, pathogenesis and control of postharvest diseases of crops 6. Epidemiology - quantitative aspects of plant disease epidemiology, modeling, and systems simulation, coupling models, quantifying yield loss and multiple disease effects. 7. Disease management - exclusion and eradication of plant diseases ; protection and immunization of plants; recent advances in plant disease control. 8. Biological Control - nature, mechanisms and interaction involved in the biological control of plant pathogens ; isolation, utilization, and mass production of biological control agents. 9. Molecular Plant Pathology - molecular mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions and application of molecular diagnostics and markers in plant pathology. 10. Disease resistance - manifestations and genetics of disease resistance in plants, nature and causes of variation in plant pathogens, breeding for disease resistance and utilization of resistant genes.
Admission requirements: