University of the Assumption
San Fernando City, Pampanga
Medical & Healthcare courses offered at University of the Assumption
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. HS Card
2. Good Moral Certificate
3. Birth Certificate (NSO)
4. Marriage Certificate (NSO)
5. 2×2 I.D. Photos
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Certified True Copy of Grades
2. Certificate of Eligibility to Transfer
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
4. Birth Certificate (NSO)
5. Marriage Certificate (NSO)
6. 2×2 I.D. Photos
Admission Requirements - Second Coursers:
1. Transcript of Records
2. Certificate of Eligibility to Transfer
3. Birth Certificate (NSO)
4. Marriage Certificate (NSO)
5. 2×2 I.D. Photos
As a general rule, only the applicants with the required educational attainment will be admitted to the University of the Assumption Graduate School. Their academic achievement as a baccalaureate degree/ master’s degree graduate implies their developed ability and readiness for advanced study and independent learning.
Applicants for admission in the different programs of the UA Graduate School must comply with the specified requirements.
1. Applicants for master’s studies with at least a general average of 85% or 2.0 in the undergraduate program will be admitted on a regular basis. Those with lower average may be admitted on probation.
2. Students who apply for admission to the doctorate program must present a transcript of records of a corresponding Master’s degree with an average of 90% or 1.5.
3. A Filipino student who graduated from schools outside the Philippines has to present his/her credentials to the Registrar’s Office. A copy of the same shall be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School Office.
4. Completed student information sheet
5. Marriage contract (for married applicants)
6. Three (3) pieces 2×2 ID pictures, and two (2) pieces 1×1 ID pictures (most recent copy)
7. Transfer credentials (certified true copy of grades and honorable dismissal certificate), if the applicant is a transferee.
• For Transferees:
1. Graduate subjects taken from other schools may be credited provided that such courses have equivalent courses at the University of the Assumption. The Dean of the GraduateSchool or the Chair (for the MATS program) evaluates and approves the courses for crediting. Credits are verified at the Registrar’s Office.
2. Only for a maximum of one third (1/3) of the total number of academic units (excluding thesis/ dissertation) required for a degree can be accepted as transfer credentials. However, the UA Graduate School may extend the limit in exceptionally meritorious cases.
• For Returnees:
1. A student who resumes studies after three (3) years or more shall be required to take at least three (3) refresher courses (equivalent to 9 units).
• For Foreign Students
1. Foreign students may be admitted as enrollees in a degree program of the Graduate School upon submission of the permit to enroll from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) upon compliance with the immigration rules.
2. Foreign Students whose native language is not English and /or whose undergraduate medium of instruction was in a language other than English are required for admission to enroll in a special class in Englis
3. Steps one to seven in this section shall also apply to foreign student applicants.
As a general rule, only the applicants with the required educational attainment will be admitted to the University of the Assumption Graduate School. Their academic achievement as a baccalaureate degree/ master’s degree graduate implies their developed ability and readiness for advanced study and independent learning.
Applicants for admission in the different programs of the UA Graduate School must comply with the specified requirements.
1. Applicants for master’s studies with at least a general average of 85% or 2.0 in the undergraduate program will be admitted on a regular basis. Those with lower average may be admitted on probation.
2. Students who apply for admission to the doctorate program must present a transcript of records of a corresponding Master’s degree with an average of 90% or 1.5.
3. A Filipino student who graduated from schools outside the Philippines has to present his/her credentials to the Registrar’s Office. A copy of the same shall be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School Office.
4. Completed student information sheet
5. Marriage contract (for married applicants)
6. Three (3) pieces 2×2 ID pictures, and two (2) pieces 1×1 ID pictures (most recent copy)
7. Transfer credentials (certified true copy of grades and honorable dismissal certificate), if the applicant is a transferee.
• For Transferees:
1. Graduate subjects taken from other schools may be credited provided that such courses have equivalent courses at the University of the Assumption. The Dean of the GraduateSchool or the Chair (for the MATS program) evaluates and approves the courses for crediting. Credits are verified at the Registrar’s Office.
2. Only for a maximum of one third (1/3) of the total number of academic units (excluding thesis/ dissertation) required for a degree can be accepted as transfer credentials. However, the UA Graduate School may extend the limit in exceptionally meritorious cases.
• For Returnees:
1. A student who resumes studies after three (3) years or more shall be required to take at least three (3) refresher courses (equivalent to 9 units).
• For Foreign Students
1. Foreign students may be admitted as enrollees in a degree program of the Graduate School upon submission of the permit to enroll from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) upon compliance with the immigration rules.
2. Foreign Students whose native language is not English and /or whose undergraduate medium of instruction was in a language other than English are required for admission to enroll in a special class in Englis
3. Steps one to seven in this section shall also apply to foreign student applicants.
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