Duration: 5 years
Course description:
Program Outcomes:
1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physical and information sciences, and engineering sciences to the practice of industrial engineering
2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well, as to analyze and interpret data
3. An ability to design, build, improve and install systems or processes which are efficient, effective, as well as robust to meet desired needs within identified constraints
4. An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
5. An ability to recognize, formulate, and solve engineering problems
6. A recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
7. An ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using the English language
8. An understanding of the effects of engineering solutions in a comprehensive context
9. An ability to engage in life-long learning and an understanding of the need to keep current of the developments in the specific field of specialization
10. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and engineering tools necessary for engineering and business practice
11. An ability to perform services in the form of analysis, design, preparation of plans, specifications, estimates and implementation of:
a. Work standards
b. Statistical process control systems
c. Production planning and materials control systems
d. Manufacturing and service facilities
e. Operations research models for production and operations
f. Information systems
Entry Level Competency Standards of an Industrial Engineer:
a. Establish work and safety standards
1. Perform time studies and develop time standards
2. Balance work loads
3. Evaluate task, tool, equipment, workplace and environmental risk factors
4. Formulate safety programs and enforce work safety practices
5. Design incentive and compensation systems
b. Perform production planning
1. Forecast demand
2. Identify manufacturing processes and calculate manufacturing parameters
3. Plan production control measures
4. Schedule and sequence production operations
c. Design and implement quality assurance systems
1. Implement statistical process control principles
2. Perform capability analysis and acceptance sampling plans
3. Analyze processes and measure component and system reliability
4. Design and implement quality systems for continuous improvement
5. Perform quality audits
d. Prepare logistics plan
1. Design inventory control systems
2. Design warehousing operations
3. Design distribution network and fleet management
e. Draw up facilities design and layout
1. Calculate resource and space requirements
2. Optimize flow of resources, materials, people, and information
3. Select method for materials handling
4. Conduct capacity and process flow analysis
f. Develop efficient information systems
1. Conduct systems analysis to define information requirements
2. Formulate systems and procedures, forms flow and design
3. Identify appropriate data collection and processing systems
4. Plan, design and implement a computer-based information system
g. Conduct research and development
1. Formulate the appropriate design of experiment
2. Undertake an experiment
3. Analyze and validate data
4. Draw conclusions and recommendations from the results of the experiment
5. Write and present technical reports
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 35,000-40,000 per semester
2 testimonials of BS in Industrial Engineering graduates of University of San Carlos
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