University of Perpetual Help System DALTA in Calamba
Information Technology (IT) courses offered at UPHSD Calamba
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Report Card (Form 138) •
2. Good Moral Character Certificate•
3. Birth Certificate (NSO Copy)
4. Three (3) copies of latest (at least 6 months) 2” X 2” colored ID picture
• Documents must be original copies
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Good Moral Character Certificate •
2. Transfer Credential Certificate •
3. Certified True Copy of Grades
4. Birth Certificate (NSO Copy)
5. Three (3) copies of latest (at least 6 months) 2” X 2” colored ID picture
• Documents must be original copies
Admission Requirements - Foreign Students:
A. Admission
1. Student Visa or Special Study Permit
2. Passed the UPHS Admission Test
3. Met the IFLCD English Requirement
B. Student Visa ( /
A student visa or special study permit is required before any international student can officially enroll and the documents to be submitted must be written in English or has an English translation.
C. Documents required to get a student visa
1. Duly notarized letter request from applicant.
2. Duly notarized general application form accomplished by the applicant (BI Form NO. MCL-07-001).
3. Original Copy of Notice of Acceptance (NOA) containing a clear impression of the school's official dry seal or duly notarized written endorsement from the school for conversion of the applicant's status signed by the School Registrar.
4. Original copy of medical certificate issued by the Bureau of Quarantine and International Health Surveillance or a government medical institution with competence to certify that the applicant is not afflicted with any dangerous, contagious or loathsome disease and is mentally fit.
5. Photocopy of applicant's passport (bio-page latest admission and authorized stay).
6. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Clearance.
D. Requirements for the issuance of NOA by the University
1. Transcript of Records / Scholastic Records, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or consulate in the applicant's country of origin or legal residence. " SEEN and NOTED" stamp is not acceptable.
2. A notarized Affidavit of Support and proof of adequate financial support to cover expenses for student's accommodation and subsistence, school dues and other incidental expenses. For scholars, certificate of Scholarship from the institution concerned.
3. Authenticated copy of Birth Certificate.
4. Original Copy of the Certificate of Eligibility for Admission (CEA) isssued by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) for MEDICINE and DENTISTRY students.
5. Enrollment Form / Receipt of Payment.
6. Original copy of the 1998 Revised Personal History Statement (PHS). Duly accomplished and signed by the applicant in English and in national alphabet, accompanied by personal seal if any, with original left and right thumb prints and original photos.
A. Graduate School Of Education & Graduate School Of Nursing
• Three Sets: 1 for Admission Office, 1 for Office of the Graduate School, 1 for Registrar
1. Original copy and certified true copy of Transcript of Records
2. Good Moral Character Certificate
3. Permit to Study from present employer
4. Two original copies of Recommendation Letters from immediate head/s or past teachers
5. Three copies of latest (not more than 6 months) 2” x 2” colored ID picture
6. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
7. Photocopy of Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), Nurses (NLE), or other equivalent certificates.
8. Certificate of Employment indicating at least 3 years work experience.
9. Three long brown UPHSD envelop with plastic long envelop to safe-keep documents
10. Fill out application form in three sets
11. Submit all the requirements to the office of the Graduate School
B. Graduate School Of Business Administration (MBA/DBA)
1. Original copy and certified true copy of Transcript of Records
2. Four copies of latest (not more than 6 months) 1”X1” colored ID picture
3. Letter of recommendation from a former professor
4. Letter of recommendation from employer
5. Certificate of Employment indicating at least 3 years work experience.
6. Fill out the application form
7. Two pieces long brown envelope
A. Graduate School Of Education & Graduate School Of Nursing
• Three Sets: 1 for Admission Office, 1 for Office of the Graduate School, 1 for Registrar
1. Original copy and certified true copy of Transcript of Records
2. Good Moral Character Certificate
3. Permit to Study from present employer
4. Two original copies of Recommendation Letters from immediate head/s or past teachers
5. Three copies of latest (not more than 6 months) 2” x 2” colored ID picture
6. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
7. Photocopy of Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), Nurses (NLE), or other equivalent certificates.
8. Certificate of Employment indicating at least 3 years work experience.
9. Three long brown UPHSD envelop with plastic long envelop to safe-keep documents
10. Fill out application form in three sets
11. Submit all the requirements to the office of the Graduate School
B. Graduate School Of Business Administration (MBA/DBA)
1. Original copy and certified true copy of Transcript of Records
2. Four copies of latest (not more than 6 months) 1”X1” colored ID picture
3. Letter of recommendation from a former professor
4. Letter of recommendation from employer
5. Certificate of Employment indicating at least 3 years work experience.
6. Fill out the application form
7. Two pieces long brown envelope
The data provided in this page was collected from University of Perpetual Help System DALTA in Calamba's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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