Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses begin in the first and threads through the development competencies up the fourth year level. The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that refines skills from the first year level to ensure basic clinical competencies required of a beginning nurse practitioner.
1. To prepare graduates for the practice of nursing in various settings by providing a broad basic education necessary for the proper understanding of principles and methods of modern scientific nursing.
2. To provide students the broadest possible background of cultural and professional knowledge and equip the students with skills for future leadership position in nursing.
3. To provide students with theories, concepts, techniques and practices in the efficient and effective discharge of their duties which should redound to an over-all increase in work efficiency and in production.
4. To provide nurses with the spirit of service, social insight, commitment and humanitarian dedication in health care of the nation.
5. To contribute towards the regional, as well as national economic development and meaningful holistic social growth of the people.
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