Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) Program aims to produce students whose knowledge and competence in planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing, administering, and maintaining information technology infrastructure are grounded on the effective utilization of computers and computer software and thus enabling them to contribute worthwhile IT solutions to the business communities all over the world.
It provides the student with the knowledge to successfully apply information technology theory and principles to address real world business opportunities and challenges. The one of the primary educational objective of the program is produce graduates who can enter into and advance in the professions of IT, management information systems, and IT business infrastructure, as well as continue their education and obtain advanced degrees in these and related fields.
With regard to program outcomes, graduates must be able to evaluate current and emerging technologies; identify user needs; design user-friendly interfaces; apply, configure, and manage these technologies; assess their impacts on individuals, organizations, and the environment, apply fundamental business concepts and strategies; and use innovative digital materials to develop competencies to apply: Systems Analysis and Design, Computer Programming, Database Development, Network Technologies, Information Systems Security, Web Technologies and Project Planning.
At the completion of the program, the graduates should have:
1. Acquired the necessary knowledge and skills on application installation, operation, development, and maintenance;
2. Developed the skills and competence on hardware installation, operation, and maintenance based on current technological requirements and specifications;
3. Developed a mindset to become software engineers willing to work on projects that are relevant and with great impact on the life of people globally;
4. Recognized opportunities for professional growth and technological updating so as to maintain the culture of excellence for the advancement of the society;
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