About SPUQC:
The ambiance is ok, I can study even at the hall or cafeteria because making noise is a big no no. Although sometimes noise is present due to groups having discussions, talking about life, modular exams, fashion, food etc. But as Paulinian, we know our limits.
The professors are very competitive, efficient and understanding. They are eager to teach every students, we can understand their teachings, they are well prepared before entering the classroom.
The facilities are good. Well air conditioned rooms, clean, the medium of teachings such as projector, lcd are in good condition so there would be no reason for students to complain.
My current job:
I am currently working for my business.
I am having a hard time to get a job due to conflicts. First, I am only daughter and grand daughter with a family business, therefore the companies would not allow me, because I am the only heiress of our business since my uncle and aunt has no family of their own. Second I have a diabetes, most companies are concern regarding with this matter.
On a brighter side, I got a job but has something to do with sales, stock market. They hired me in a blink of an eye because I also believe that hiring me will increase their sales, they believe I have many contacts with business people.
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