Bachelor's courses
Bachelor of Elementary Education
major in:
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General Education |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The School of Education offers an exemplary program in elementary education designed to provide a balanced blend of theory and practice. Throughout the elementary education degree program college students will complete the required number of units in a variety of hands-on elementary teaching and field-based experiences.
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Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
1. Entrance Examination Result (Guidance Center) 2. High School Report Card (for High School/Incoming Freshmen Students) 3. Photocopy of National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) test result (for High School/Incoming Freshmen Students) 4. Transcript of Records and/or computer-generated Evaluation of Grades (for transferees and 2nd coursers) 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character 6. Preliminary Interview by the Guidance Counselor 7. Duly accomplished Admission Form (to be given after the Preliminary Interview) 8. Three (3) pieces 1x1 ID pictures (identical, plain background, and latest)
Tuition Fees:
P 15,000-17,000 per semester
Special Education |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Designed for any individual who wishes to seek an elementary or cross-categorical teaching diploma and certificate to teach children with special needs. Courses are taught by experts in their respective fields who share knowledge and experience in areas of learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disabilities, and other physical and cognitive impairments.
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Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
1. Entrance Examination Result (Guidance Center) 2. High School Report Card (for High School/Incoming Freshmen Students) 3. Photocopy of National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) test result (for High School/Incoming Freshmen Students) 4. Transcript of Records and/or computer-generated Evaluation of Grades (for transferees and 2nd coursers) 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character 6. Preliminary Interview by the Guidance Counselor 7. Duly accomplished Admission Form (to be given after the Preliminary Interview) 8. Three (3) pieces 1x1 ID pictures (identical, plain background, and latest)
Tuition Fees:
P 15,000-17,000 per semester
Bachelor of Secondary Education
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English |
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Mathematics |
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Master's courses
MA in Education
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Educational Management |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
This program prepares current and prospective school leaders to meet the professional demands of educational leadership. Graduate coursework develops competenci4es related to effective leadership and educational management practices, as well as allows students to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of curriculum development, teaching and learning, and the supervision of instruction. Exposure to research about current realities, emerging trends, and issues in various aspects of educational administration ensures their continuing growth and effectiveness as school leaders. Students are prepared to conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues that are responsive to community/regional/national and global needs.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
~P 9,600 per semester
English Language Teaching |
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Filipino |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The program caters to the global needs of the teacher and practitioner of Filipino. Teachers are trained to have over-all general and balanced knowledge of and skills in Filipino as a language and discipline which they can utilize in their present teaching jobs. It provides meaningful experiences that will foster among it's students nationalist and humanist values and prepares them to have a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge and skills to teach and use Filipino as a discipline and language through research and scholarly endeavors.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
~P 9,600 per semester
Guidance and Counseling |
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Duration: 2 years
Course description:
This program prepares students to become proficient in the various aspects of school guidance and counseling. The course offers graduate coursework in the development and management of relevant and functional school guidance programs and services; the diagnosis of their students' educational, vocational, and personal needs and concerns; the implementation of appropriate counseling techniques and intervention programs; psychological measurement and evaluation; and research that will address relevant issues related to the use of educational media and technology in their own setting.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
~P 9,600 per semester