St. Dominic College of Asia
Medical Technology courses offered at St. Dominic College of Asia
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. 3 pieces passport size ID picture (white background)
2. Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
3. Original and Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
4. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
5. Report Card (Form 138)
6. Original Form 137-A (if applicable)
7. Alternative Learning System (ALS) Examinee Report (if applicable)
8. Certificate of Rating of the Philippine Educational Placement Test (if applicable)
9. Contract of non-membership in a fraternity or sorority
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. 3 pieces passport size ID picture (white background)
2. Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
3. Original and Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
4. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
5. Honorable Dismissal
6. Transcript of Records (if applicable)
7. Contract of non-membership in a fraternity or sorority
Admission Requirements - Foreign Students:
1. 3 pieces 2 x 2 ID picture (white background)
2. Original and Photocopy of Birth Certificate
3. Original and Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
4. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) (if applicable)
5. Student Visa (if applicable)
6. Copy of Passport bio-page
7. Foreign Student Fee
8. Character Reference Certificate (for freshmen)
9. High School Card/Diploma (for freshmen)
10. Transcript of Records (for transferee)
11. Certificate of Good Moral (for transferee)
12. Medical Certificate (including the Quarantine Test, Drug Test and AIDS test).
13. Contract of non-membership in a fraternity or sorority
Admission Requirements - Second Coursers:
1. 3 pieces passport size ID picture (white background)
2. Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
3. Original and Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
4. Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
5. Honorable Dismissal
6. Transcript of Records (if applicable)
7. Contract of non-membership in a fraternity or sorority
Local Students
1. Accomplished SDCA Graduate Studies Application Form
2. (Three (3) colored passport size ID pictures)
3. Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)
4. Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (for married women)
5. Graduate School Admission Test Fee
6. Good Moral Certificate from previous school or Certificate of Employment
7. Original undergraduate and graduate transcript of records bearing the original signature of the registrar and school seal. Transcripts from the Philippine schools should bear the notation, “Copy Valid for St. Dominic College of Asia”
8. Certificate of Honorable Dismissal from last school attended
9. Three (3) Recommendation Letter/ Form
Additional Specific Admission Requirements
Foreign Students
1. Two (2) sets of Official Transcript of Records/Scholastic Records, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or legal residence. A “SEEN AND NOTED” stamp on transcript of records is not acceptable.
2. Two (2) sets of notarized Affidavit of Support and Proof of Adequate Financial Support to cover expenses for student’s accommodation and subsistence, school dues and other incidental expenses (Bank Statement).
3. Two (2) sets of photocopy of Passport where name, photo and birth date appear.
The data provided in this page was collected from St. Dominic College of Asia's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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