Why did I choose this school:
This school is affiliated with Makati Medical Center, one of the most known hospitals in the country. It would be a big advantage because we would be doing our OJT in MMC, where we were exposed to the working environment in the hospital.
About Makati Medical Center College:
The school is located just behind Makati Medical Center. So when you enter the school premises, it feels like you are entering a hospital. The campus is very clean, the garbage are segregated.
Most of our professors work at MMC as nurses, doctors, pharmacists. They are experienced in their chosen field and they share to us every time tips and advice on how to survive in the world of work.
The facilities in the school are well maintained all year round. There are computers for students' research.Every room is air-conditioned. The library is big and well organized. The campus grounds have tables and chairs so that students can rest and study.
My current job:
I am a Staff Nurse at Makati Medical Center. I attend to the patient's needs, check their vital signs every hour, and give them a dose of TLC (Tender Loving Care).
How long did it take to find a job:
It took me 5 months after graduation to find a job.
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