Quezon City Polytechnic University
Quezon City, Metro Manila
Computer Technology courses offered at QC Poly
Certificate courses
Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
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Duration: 1 year
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This program of QCPU will prepare the student for jobs in the personal computer industry involving installation of computer systems and networks diagnose and troubleshoot computer systems.
» Read the Computer Hardware Servicing NC II description by FindUniversity.ph
Admission requirements:
1. Certificate of Enrolment
2. Examinee Report
3. 2 x 2 Colored ID (3pcs.)
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Form 138 – High School Report Card (Original)
2. High School Diploma (photocopy)
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character (Original)
4. NSO Birth Certificate (photocopy)
5. Recent Medical Certificate - with Laboratory Test (Original)
-For Medical Check-up proceed to Monte Zion Medical Clinic at KorPhil Bldg., QCPU Main Campus-
6. Recent Barangay Certificate (original)
7. One (1) long brown envelope
8. One (1) long ordinary mailing envelope with 2 pcs. Postal Stamp
9. Two (2) pcs. 2x2 Pictures (white background and with name tag)
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Certificate of Transfer Credentials (CTC - Original and photocopy)
2. Transcript of Records (Original and photocopy)
3. Subject Course Description (Original and Photocopy)
4. NSO Birth Certificate (Original and photocopy)
5. Recent Medical Certificate - with Laboratory Test (Original)
-For Medical Check-up proceed to Monte Zion Medical Clinic at KorPhil Bldg., QCPU Main Campus-
6. Recent Barangay Certificate (original)
7. One (1) long brown envelope
8. One (1) long ordinary mailing envelope with 2 pcs. Postal Stamp
9. Two (2) pcs. 2x2 Pictures (white background and with name tag)
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