Professional & Technical Courses |
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Automotive Body Painting/Finishing
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Automotive Servicing
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Rough Carpentry NC II
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Duration: 200 hours
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual and work values of a student/learner on competencies such as, participating in workplace communication, work in a team environment, practice career professionalism, and practice occupational health and safety prepare construction materials and tools, performs mensuration, maintain tools and equipment, observe procedure specification and manuals of instructions, and interpret technical drawing and plans.
Admission requirements:
Consumer Electronic Servicing NC II
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Duration: 438 hours
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a trainee/student on core competencies such as; Assemble/Disassemble Consumer Electronic Products and Systems, Maintain and Repair Audio/ Video Products and Systems, Electronically-Controlled Domestic Appliances and Cellular Phones in accordance with the industry standards. It includes basic competencies such as; Participate in Workplace Communication, Work in Team environment, Practice Career Professionalism and Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures. It also includes common competencies such as; Use Hand Tools, Perform Mensuration and Calculation, Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing, Apply Quality Standards, Perform Computer Operations and Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Circuits.
» Read the Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II description by FindUniversity.ph
Admission requirements:
Forklift Operation NC II
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Duration: 156 hours
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes to gather interpret and convey Information in response to workplace requirement; to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team; to promote career growth an advancement;to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety; services to specification of materials; on requesting and receiving construction (heavy equipment) mate-rials and tools; on identifying and measuring objects; on checking and performing preventive maintenance including storing of tools and equipment; on identifying interpreting, on analyzing and interpreting symbols, data and workplace; applying in forklift operation in accordance with the industry standards. It covers specialized competencies such as per-forming preandpost-operation procedures, productive operation and basic preventive maintenance for forklift.
Admission requirements:
Gas Metal Arc Welding NC I
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Duration: 2 months
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of a GMAW welder in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as; weld carbon steel plates using GMAW. This includes common competencies; apply safety practices, interpret drawing and sketches, perform industry calculations, contribute to quality system, use hand tools, prepare weld materials, setup welding equipment, fit up weld materials and repair welds. It also includes competencies such as, receive and respond to workplace communication, work with others, demonstrate work values and practice basic housekeeping procedure.
Admission requirements:
Machining NC I
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Duration: 2 months
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, attitude and skills of machining NC II. This consist of basic, common, and core competencies such as: Participate in workplace communication, work in a team environment, practice career professionalism, practice occupational health and safety procedures, interpret working drawings and sketches, select and cut workshop materials, perform shop computations (basic), measure work piece (basic), perform shop computations (intermediate), measure work piece using angular measuring instruments, perform preventive and corrective maintenance, perform bench work (basic). Turn work piece (basic), mill work piece (basic), grind work piece (basic).
Admission requirements:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC I
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Duration: 2 months
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of a WELDER in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as; weld carbon steel plates using SMAW. This includes common competencies; apply safety practices, interpret drawing and sketches, perform industry calculations, contribute to quality system, use hand tools, prepare weld materials, setup welding equipment, fit up weld materials and repair welds. It also includes competencies such as, receive and respond to workplace communication, work with others, demonstrate work values and practice basic housekeeping procedure.
Admission requirements:
Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II
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Duration: 268 hours
𝔦As recommended by TESDA; Actual duration may be different.
Course description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of WELDER in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as; weld carbon steel plates and pipes using SMAW. This includes common competencies; apply safety practices, interpret drawing and sketches, perform industry calculations, contribute to quality system, use hand tools, prepare weld materials, setup welding equipment, fit up weld materials and repair welds. It also includes competencies such as, receive and respond to workplace communication, work with others, demonstrate work values and practice basic housekeeping procedure.
Admission requirements:
Language |
Japanese Language N3 Level
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Duration: 2 months
Course description:
The ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree. READING ・One is able to read and understand written materials with specific contents concerning everyday topics. ・One is also able to grasp summary information such as newspaper headlines. ・In addition, one is also able to read slightly difficult writings encountered in everyday situations and understand the main points of the content if some alternative phrases are available to aid one’s understanding. LISTENING ・One is able to listen and comprehend coherent conversations in everyday situations, spoken at near-natural speed, and is generally able to follow their contents as well as grasp the relationships among the people involved.
Admission requirements:
Japanese Language N4 Level
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Duration: 2 months
Course description:
The ability to understand basic Japanese. READING ・One is able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary. LISTENING ・One is able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly.
Admission requirements:
Japanese Language N5 Level
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Duration: 2 months
Course description:
READING ・One is able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences written in hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji. LISTENING ・One is able to listen and comprehend conversations about topics regularly encountered in daily life and classroom situations, and is able to pick up necessary information from short conversations spoken slowly.
Admission requirements: