Duration: 4 years
Course description:
At the end of the degree program, the students should have:
1. Acquired an understanding of the major concepts in Political Science discipline;
2. Acquired a thorough knowledge of political science, in various sub-disciplines, major themes, and analytical techniques as well as basic analytical techniques from other relevant disciplines;
3. A well developed ability to conduct their own scholarly inquires using established quantitative and qualitative methods, guided by a theory-based or conceptual framework;
4. Developed written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce or present analytical reports;
5. A substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary development in the national and global setting;
6. A predisposition towards political involvement or participation in any form;
7. Identified the human and moral values that a true Filipino should live by; and
8. Imbibed in their lives the Marian values and ideals of St. Marcellin Champagnat.
The graduates of the program could go into public and private sector work to engage in teaching, research, social and development, risk analysis and grantsmanship.
The graduates of this program may also pursue further studies in Law, Public Administration and Public Management.
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