Mountain View College
Mathematics courses offered at Mountain View College
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the school head.
2. High school report card (Form 138) signed by the principal.
3. Ten pcs. 1 x 1 ID pictures with name.
4. A recommendation from the district pastor (for SDA’s only).
5. Passing rate in the interview.
6. Two clear photocopies of the Birth Certificate or the Live Certificate of Registration (LCR).
7. A student who enrolls in a degree that requires passing a government licensure exam should submit an NSO-authenticated birth certificate.
8. Two pcs. 2 x 2 ID pictures with name.
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Honorable dismissal from the school last attended
2. Transcript of Records for evaluation.
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the last school attended.
4. Ten pcs. 1 x 1 ID pictures with name
5. A recommendation from the district pastor (for SDA’s only)
6. Passing rate in the interview
7. Two clear photocopies of the Birth Certificate or the Live Certificate of Registration (LCR). A student who enrolls in a degree that requires passing a government licensure exam should submit an NSO-authenticated birth certificate
8. Two pcs. 2 x 2 ID pictures with name
Admission Requirements - Foreign Students:
Foreign, Naturalized Filipinos, and Students with Foreign-Sounding Names
Application for Admission forms can be obtained by writing to:
The Registrar
Mountain View College
College Heights, Mt. Nebo, 8709 Valencia City
A foreign student applying for admission to any degree program offered by the College must be at least 18 years of age and must comply with the following:
1. Application fee of two hundred dollars ($200) which is non-refundable.
2. Financial guarantee deposit of five hundred dollars ($500) which can only be withdrawn upon finishing the course or leaving the College permanently. The financial guarantee deposit must be sent in check form and in US dollar currency payable to Mountain View College.
3. Certificate of good moral character from the school last attended.
4. High school diploma or a certification of high school graduation.
5. Documents required by the Immigration for the processing of a student visa. You may choose from the following options in obtaining a student visa:
Option I
MVC applies for the student visa (9f) and when it is approved it will be picked up by the student in the Philippine Consulate in his home country. The following documents authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate having consular jurisdiction over the place where the student resides are required.
1. Transcript or scholastic records
2. Notarized Affidavit of Support with Certificate of Bank Deposit
3. Photocopy of passport pages where name, photo, birth date and birth place appear
4. Birth Certificate or it's equivalent
Option 2
The student obtains a tourist visa in his home country. Upon arrival in the Philippines, MVC applies for conversion of the visa from tourist (9a) to student (9f). The following documents authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate having consular jurisdiction over the place where the student resides are required (these may be hand carried by the student):
1. Police Clearance Certificate issued by the National Police authorities
2. Transcript or scholastic records
3. Notarized Affidavit of Support with Certificate of Bank Deposit
4. Birth Certificate or it's equivalent (authentication not needed)
5. All required documents must either be handcarried or sent to Mountain View College together with the accomplished Application for Admission form, Overseas Student Agreement and five (5) original Personal History Statement for the processing of a student visa.
Take Note:
The student pays the actual cost of visa and processing fees.
Transcripts, diplomas, certificates or any documents originally written in other languages should have a notarized English translation.
Upon arrival in the Philippines, the student is to enroll in no other school but Mountain View College.
Foreign students are expected to be full-time students and should finish the course within the time specified in the approved curriculum.
Married students coming with their families are not provided housing; hence, prior arrangement must be done with the College.
All students, except married ones with housing accommodation and those staying with the faculty/staff, are expected to stay in the dormitory and eat at the college cafeteria, which serves vegetarian food only.
An applicant who wishes to transfer credits taken from other schools to MVC must send a copy of his/her transcript when applying for admission. The applicant will be officially informed in writing on the result of the evaluation of his/her credits.
The data provided in this page was collected from Mountain View College's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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