Cor Jesu College
Digos City, Davao del Sur
HRM courses offered at Cor Jesu College
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Report Card
2. Clear photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
4. Barangay Clearance
5. Photocopy of the Marriage Contract (if married)
6. 3 pieces of passport - size picture
7. NCAE Result
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Certified true copy of the Transcript of Records for Evaluation
2. Honorable Dismissal from school last attended
3. Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
4. Certificate of Good Moral Character
5. 3 pieces of passport - size picture
6. Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
7. Barangay Clearance
1. Graduate of any degree (at least 18 units of education subjects for MAEd)
2. Transcript of Records
3. Honorable Dismissal from last school attended
4. 2 copies passport size picture
5. Accomplished Admission Form (available at the Graduate School Office)
6. Entrance Examination (administered by Guidance and Counseling Center, P300 fee)
1. Copy of undergraduate and graduate Transcript of Records
2. Graduate credits earned from other Philippine schools will be evaluated by the Dean
3. Copy of undergraduate Transcript of Records (TOR)
4. Copy of the graduate credits earned from previous Philippine school attended to be evaluated by the dean
5. Copy of graduate units earned from foreign schools to be assessed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
6. Copy of the grades of the applicant who is a baccalaureate degree holder from a foreign school to be evaluated by CHED
7. Residence requirement is at least two (2) semesters with at least eighteen (18) units earned in Cor Jesu College Graduate School
8. Result of the Entrance Examinations administered by Cor Jesu College Graduate School
1. Graduate of any degree (at least 18 units of education subjects for MAEd)
2. Transcript of Records
3. Honorable Dismissal from last school attended
4. 2 copies passport size picture
5. Accomplished Admission Form (available at the Graduate School Office)
6. Entrance Examination (administered by Guidance and Counseling Center, P300 fee)
1. Copy of undergraduate and graduate Transcript of Records
2. Graduate credits earned from other Philippine schools will be evaluated by the Dean
3. Copy of undergraduate Transcript of Records (TOR)
4. Copy of the graduate credits earned from previous Philippine school attended to be evaluated by the dean
5. Copy of graduate units earned from foreign schools to be assessed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
6. Copy of the grades of the applicant who is a baccalaureate degree holder from a foreign school to be evaluated by CHED
7. Residence requirement is at least two (2) semesters with at least eighteen (18) units earned in Cor Jesu College Graduate School
8. Result of the Entrance Examinations administered by Cor Jesu College Graduate School
The data provided in this page was collected from Cor Jesu College's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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