Centro Escolar University
Engineering courses offered at Centro Escolar University
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Grade 11 Form 138/Card with general weighted average
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from High School Principal
3. Original Form 138/Grade 12 Report Card/PEPT Result/ALSA&E Result
4. PSA copy of Birth Certificate
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Certificate of Eligibility for Dentistry (for Dentistry applicants only)
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from Authorized Official of former school
3. Original Scholastic Records bearing School Seal and Signature of the Registrar
4. PSA copy of Birth Certificate
5. Students and Parents/ Guardians letter seeking for admission
6. Transfer Credentials
Admission Requirements - Foreign Students:
A. Filipinos Who Studied Abroad
1. Birth Certificate with Registry Number (Photocopy)
2. Certificate of Recognition
3. Original Transcript of Records
4. Photocopy of Passport
B. Resident Aliens
1. Birth Certificate with Registry Number (Photocopy)
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from High School Principal
3. I-Card
4. Original Transcript of Records
5. Recent 1.5 x 1.5 I.D. Picture (2 pcs.)
Admission Requirements - Second Coursers:
1. Certificate of Good Moral Character from Authorized Official of former school
2. Entrance evaluation of subjects taken by the Dean/Program Head/ Academic Department Head
3. Original Scholastic Records
4. PSA copy of Birth Certificate
5. Student’s and Parents/ Guardians letter seeking for admission
6. Transfer Credentials
1. Original Transcript of Records with S.O. Number
2. Transfer Credential (If graduate from other school)
3. For female photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate/Marriage Contract.
The data provided in this page was collected from Centro Escolar University's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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