Centro Escolar University - Malolos
Communication courses offered at CEU Malolos
Admission Requirements - Freshmen:
1. Original Form 138/ H.S. Report Card
2. Good character testimony by the Principal
3. Four (4) copies of latest picture, size 1 ½ x 1 ½
4. NSO copy of the Birth Certificate (photocopy)
5. Certificate of Eligibility (for Dentistry applicants only)
Admission Requirements - Transferees:
1. Transfer Credentials
2. Original Scholastic Record bearing School Seal and Signature of Registrar
3. Good Character testimony from the Authorized Official of former school
4. Recommendation from CEU employee/teacher
5. Student's letter seeking admission
6. Parent's letter approving the transfer
7. NSO copy of the Birth Certificate (photocopy)
8. Four (4) copies of latest picture (1 ½ x 1 ½)
9. Evaluation of subjects done by the CEU Dean/Academic Department Heads
10. Barangay Clearance
11. Drug Assay Test Result
12. Lady's/Gentleman's Pledge
13. Transferee & Parent's/Guardian's Waiver
14. Certificate of Eligibility for Dentistry (for Dentistry applicants only)
Admission Requirements - Foreign Students:
A. For Resident Aliens
1. Official Transcript of Records/Form 138
2. Good Character Testimony from the Authorized Official of Former School
3. Birth certificate (photocopy)
4. I-Card / Special Study Permit
5. Four (4) copies of latest picture, size 1 ½ x 1 ½
B. For Non-Resident Aliens
1. Official Transcript of Records
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
3. Certificate of Graduation
4. Affidavit of Support of the person supporting the applicant's Study
5. Bank Certificate from the Bank of the Person Funding the Study of the Applicant
6. Police Clearance
7. Passport (photocopy)
8. Letter of Application
9. Personal History Statement
Admission Requirements - Second Coursers:
1. Transfer Credentials (for degree holders from other schools)
2. Original Transcript of Records with Special Order Number
3. Good character testimony from the Authorized Official of former school
4. Five (5) copies of latest picture (1 ½ x 1 ½)
5. NSO copy of the Birth Certificate (photocopy)
6. Evaluation of subjects done by the CEU Dean/Academic Department Heads
7. CED (for Dentistry Students only)
The data provided in this page was collected from Centro Escolar University - Malolos's website, other internet sources, as well as by calling or emailing the school's representatives.
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