Duration: 2 years
Major in:
Biological Science
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Management
General Science
Guidance and Counseling
Language Education
Social Studies
Teaching in the Early Grades
Technology and Home Economics
Course description:
The MAE prepares individuals for the broad spectrum of educational positions and roles in the field of education. It prepares education students for the various administrative and supervisory positions in elementary, secondary, post-secondary and vocational programs. This program provides advanced academic and professional preparation in the following areas of concentration:
1. Biology
2. Chemistry
3. Curriculum and Instruction
4. Educational Management
5. Pagtuturo sa Filipino
6. General Science
7. Guidance and Counseling
8. Language Education
9. Physics
10. Social Studies
11. Technology and Home Economics (College of Education Graduate Program)
12. Teaching in the Early Grades, K-2 (College of Education Graduate Program)
Program Objectives of the Graduate:
1. Transform students into innovative and creative educational managers and teachers equipped with relevant knowledge, competencies, and values essential for constructive organizational and instructional leadership for effective professional service in education.
2. Enhance the students’ understanding of educational theories, concepts, curriculum, and pedagogical techniques appropriate for effective decision making and professional practice.
3. Equip students with variety of tools, techniques and methodologies for conducting, critiquing, and evaluating research in education.
4. Broaden students’ awareness and appreciation of the critical issues and trends relating to the major issues facing today’s practitioners in education.
5. Reinforce students’ proficiency in selecting and utilizing modern management and instructional technologies appropriate for professional development and for enhancing student learning in the age of information revolution.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 2,700-5,700 per semester
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