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Admission requirements:
Any graduate or graduating student of a 4 or 5 year Baccalaureate degree in Science or Arts is eligible to apply to the College as per CHED CMO No. 10 s 2010. In addition, the applicant shall have no record of final conviction for a crime, has good moral character, has taken (or will take before June of the coming school year) the National Admissions Test (NMAT) and is willing to accept the mandatory return service in the Philippines for 2 years after graduation.
Documents to be submitted:
1. Accomplished application form (CM-AF)
2. 4 copies of 2X2 identical recent photo with collar on a white background
3. Certified true copy of transcript of records (partial for graduating students)
4. Certified true copy of NMAT result
5. Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
6. Photocopy of NBI clearance
7. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Dean or College Counselor
8. Application fee of P1,500 receipt
Note: all documents shall be placed inside a long brown envelop and submitted to the BU Admissions Office.
Foreign and non-resident Filipinos:
In addition to the documents required of Filipino citizens, foreign students are to submit the following:
1. Notarized affidavit of support/proof of adequate financial sources or support
2. Personal data & essay on “Why I Want To Be A Doctor”
3. Approved study permit from the Philippine Embassy
4. Application fee of US$150.000
5. Photocopies of: (originals will have to be submitted or shown once admitted)
• Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
• Birth certificate
• Passport
• Police clearance from area of residence
1. Entrance Scholarships
a.) Applicants who graduated with Latin honors shall be granted the following coverage for the 1st semester of Year 1:
Summa Cum Laude: 75% free tuition
Magna Cum Laude: 50% free tuition
Cum Laude: 25% free tuition
b.) For students with Latin honors whose NMAT scores are 95 or better (>95 percentile) shall be granted 100% free tuition for the 1st semester of Year1.
c.) Entrance scholars may be converted to academic scholars following the existing guideline of the university
2. Joey Sarte-Salceda Scholarship Grant
Policies and Guidelines on Scholarship
The College of Medicine Scholarship and Awards Committee is a standing committee advisory to the Dean on matters related to scholarships and awards for students, faculty and non-teaching staff.
The committee must have a Chair and two members (one senior faculty; one junior faculty) who will recommend to the Dean, the guidelines on scholarships and award. Furthermore, the committee shall perform the following functions:
a.) Develop guidelines on scholarship grants for internally- and externally-funded programs and awards for academic and non-academic performance;
b.) Screen and process applications/recommendations for scholarships and awards based on approved guidelines and criteria;
c.) Recommend to the Dean list of awardees/grantees duly certified by the committee for final approval.
d.) Prepare reports related to scholarship and awards every end of semester to be submitted to the Dean and annually for publication/dissemination to the public including donors and sponsors.
e.) Consult/negotiate with possible benefactors/sponsors for specific guideline and criteria prior to implementation of the grants.
N.B. The screening and approval of grantees shall be the sole authority of Scholarship and Awards Committee. A duly authorize representative of the benefactor may participate in the interview as non-rating panel. Description of the Grant A competitive scholarship awarded to students with outstanding program of research in disaster management and climate change adaptation as applied in the health sector. The grant is PhP 35,000.00 per semester and will be awarded to two students per year using the following criteria: A resident of Albay (inclusive of the three component cities) supported by a certificate of residency from the Barangay Captain;
• At least 90 NMAT percentile score;
• GWA of 2.0 and no grade of 5.0 in the undergraduate program;
• Excellent rating in the competency interview;
• Leadership abilities/potentials demonstrated in the undergraduate studies and socio-civic engagements, and;
• Outstanding rating of the submitted research proposal.
To retain the scholarship, the grantee must maintain at least a grade of 2.5 in all courses with no record of failure (5.0).
Procedure on Scholarship Application
• Applicants must have received a copy of the official Notice of Admission before submitting application for scholarship.
• Must complete the online application process to include Personal Statement and Proposed Research Project.
• Short-listed applicants are subjected to a panel interview to examine feasibility and scientific merit of the proposal and the candidate’s ability to succeed.
• Successful applicants will be published by the Office of the Dean of the College of Medicine for dissemination.
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