About Basilan State College:
First and foremost, our school is from beyond compare. I just only spent my fourth year there. I was before in Visayas, specifically Filamer Christian College in Roxas city. I moved when my father died.
Anyway with regards the professors, they are competitive, they teach well.
About the environment, thats one thing I really, have a negative opinion because of the racial discrimination. And partly unsafe, until now, because of the war against the gov't troop and Abu Sayaf.
With regards the facilities, they do lack of many school equiptment, not like any other schools.
My current job:
My current job, is a big twist with my profession, I graduated BEED a professional Teacher, but never practiced my profession. Maybe because the time I like to teach, just in our place. But it was really not a safety place for teachers, especially christian teachers. Thats why, I leave our place and try my luck here in manila. I am currently employed as an IT Supervisor, in a Networking Company, here in Pasig.
How long did it take to find a job:
After graduation, I reviewed and take the Board exam and wait until the result is released. After knowing I passed, I applied in a Gov't Office, which was my first job here in manila.
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