Social Science |
AB in Chinese Studies
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AB in Chinese Studies - Business Track
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Duration: 4 years
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Chinese Studies - Humanities Track
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Duration: 4 years
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Chinese Studies - Social Sciences Track
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Duration: 4 years
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Development Studies
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Development Studies is a distinct field of multidisciplinary study, research and policy analysis directed at understanding the processes and imperatives of national, regional, community and global transformation. The degree program combines key insights from Economics, Political Science, Sociology and Management in order to develop, manage and evaluate approaches for institutionalizing sustainable improvements in people’s quality of life. The degree program provides an excellent blend of theoretical and applied training. Development Studies students are trained to appreciate diverse perspectives, undertake development research, analyze development policies and manage development interventions. The program provides excellent preparation for careers in multilateral and bilateral development organizations, law and politics, Foreign Service, corporate foundations and non-government organizations, development communications and development research, and the executive and legislative branches of government. Students may also use their field of specialization as a springboard for graduate and professional studies.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Diplomacy and International Relations
major in:
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East and Southeast Asian Studies |
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AB in European Studies
major in:
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Duration: 4 years
With specialization in:
Business and Economics International Relations
Course description:
AB European Studies is a multidisciplinary program focusing on the political, economic, social, and cultural institutions of the European Union and it's policymaking process. Special focus is given to the European integration process, as well as links between Europe and the Philippines. Students can specialize in any of the two tracks - International Relations, focusing on the internal and external political dynamics of Europe; and Business and Economics, which does not only concentrates on Europe’s business and economy, but provides students with general skills in business, finance, and accounting. Students are required to specialize any of the three European languages (Spanish, French or German). The program gives the students the advantage of first-hand business and cultural exposure of the continent through a study tour, summer internship (local or overseas), study abroad program and service learning courses.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Business and Economics |
International Relations |
AB in Interdisciplinary Studies
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Arts major in Interdisciplinary Studies was introduced as a response to the need sounded in the academia for the greater dialogue among departments and scholars, and to the more practical need of the students for flexibility. Since it's institution in the late 1970s, the program has produced graduates active in the fields of law, business, education, sports, and the arts. The program rests on the belief that reality is complex and multidimensional. Thus, any attempt at understanding reality and discoursing on the same can be reached — and only provisionally so — after the critical synthesis of the various methodologies and knowledge of the different disciplines. What is learned is not only “truths, ” but also the premises underlying and legitimizing these “truths.” The program, therefore, prizes open-mindedness, broadness of vision, reflexivity, and a commitment to knowledge. The program also recognizes the individuality of each student. Instead of dismissing the particular (and sometimes idiosyncratic) inclinations of students, the program mines and hones these in the belief that education is self-perfection for the better service of society. Thus, in addition to receiving the humanistic training required by the Ateneo core curriculum, I.S. Majors design their own course of studies, based on their interests and strengths, and given the actual means and services of the university, under the supervision of the Department Chair. The terminal requirement for the degree is a monograph (called the senior paper) in which the I.S. Major integrates the skills, knowledge, and methodologies learned from the classes he or she took, to probe, critique, and explain issues, to suggest feasible and sound solutions to specific problems, or to produce substantial creative work. With proper guidance and the student’s own commitment, the I.S. Program hopes to engender students equipped in the intellectual rigors — and pleasures — of creativity and synthesis, critical thinking and analysis, reflection and self-reflexivity. It is the mission of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department to develop well-rounded students who are able to see beyond disciplinary lines, who are able to synthesize knowledge gained from different disciplinary perspectives, who have professional skills in disciplines of their own choosing, and who are equipped to view and respond to the world from a holistic perspective.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Political Science
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
AB Political Science provides it's graduates with a solid background in international relations, comparative politics, political theory, and public management. The program is designed to train students in critical and analytical thinking and leadership. The program is enchanced by an intership, a study abroad program, and service leartning course. Careers: The program provides one the best pre-law preparation programs as well as training for work in government and social development.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
Read 3 testimonials of AB in Political Science graduates of Ateneo de Manila University
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AB in Psychology
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AB in Social Sciences
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Arts Program major in the Social Sciences• is a special program designed to meet the needs of students who are curious, critical, concerned, and practical. Curious about himself or herself. Wondering about human relationships and the forces that bind and dissolve whole communities and nations. Curious about human origins and destinies, about language and communication. Wondering why people and governments differ, and how they got to be that way. Wondering what the present and the past can tell a man about the future, in the Philippines and elsewhere. Critical about what he or she reads or hears or sees. Careful to distinguish what is from what ought to be, and from what others say it is. Aware of the rules of logic and method, yet honoring the gift of true insight as well. Able to analyze and weigh the traditional values of one’s own and other cultures and to conclude with a deeper and more conscious respect for both. Concerned about the Filipinos and all human beings, about this nation’s resources and the world’s. Anxious to learn how to help solve or mitigate great problems such as social injustice, environmental pollution and destruction, overpopulation, and disease. Moved by intelligent compassions for the masses. Practical in preparing for jobs with people, about people. Bringing to his or her job certain skills, a deep and broad understanding of the human condition. Ready and eager for the in-service training that employers expect to impart. Or well-prepared for further professional schooling. For students who are curious, critical, concerned, and practical – and for those who accept this ideal as a worthy one for themselves, A.B. Major in Social Sciences may be of service. It is designed to inform the curious, lend rigor to the critical, guide the concerned, and prepare the practical.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB/MA Honors Programs
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
Courses: 1. AB/MA in Political Science major in Global Politics 2. AB in Political Science - MA in Public Management 3. AB in Economics - MA in Economics
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Psychology
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Double Degree Programs
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
Courses: 1. AB in Economics - AB in Economics (Honors) 2. AB in Psychology - BS in Psychology 3. BS in Chemistry - BS Applied Computer Systems 4. BS in Physics - BS Applied Computer Systems 5. BS in Computer Science - BS in Digital Game Design and Development 6. BS in Applied Physics - BS in Materials Science and Engineering
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Minor Programs
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Courses: School of Social Sciences 1. Bachelor of Arts minor in European Studies 2. Bachelor of Arts minor in Chinese Studies 3. Bachelor of Arts minor in Health and Development 4. Bachelor of Arts minor in Economics 5. Bachelor of Arts inor in Education 6. Bachelor of Arts minor in History 7. Bachelor of Arts minor in Japanese Studies 8. Bachelor of Arts minor in Global Politics 9. Bachelor of Arts minor in Public Management 10. Bachelor of Arts minor in Cultural Heritage 11. Bachelor of Arts minor in Sociology School of Management 1. Marketing 2. Finance 3. International Business 4. Strategic Human Resources Management 5. Information Technology 6. Decision Science 7. Project Management 8. Enterprise Development School of Humanities 1. Bachelor of Arts in Literature minor in Literature (English) 2. Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy minor in Philosophy 3. Modern Languages minor in French 4. Modern Languages minor in German 5. Modern Languages minor in Spanish
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Science |
BS/Master in Applied Mathematics Major in Mathematical Finance
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BS in Applied Physics
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
There are 3 available tracks in the Applied Physics program: B.S. Applied Physics, B.S. Applied Physics (Instrumentation Track), and B.S. Applied Physics (Materials Track). All 3 tracks are 5-year programs that aim to develop among students a detailed understanding of some of the most important concepts in physics as well as train them in applying physics concepts to solving realistic and practical problems. The Instrumentation Track is for those students who plan to design and build their own instruments while the Materials Track is for those who wish to develop novel materials with specific and desired qualities. If a student's interest is neither in instrumentation physics nor materials science, he or she can opt to follow the B.S. Applied Physics program with no pre-specified track instead. There are several available alternative topics (e.g., Atmospheric Science, Photonics, Geophysics, Vacuum Physics) offered by the Department. All 3 programs require the submission and successful defense of a research thesis during the fifth year.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Biology
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
BS Biology is a 4-year undergraduate honors program that provides a holistic and rigorous approach to the biological sciences. The curriculum covers the most essential concepts, principles, and theories of biology across a diverse range of disciplines through innovative lecture and laboratory courses. The program offers it's students both the Thesis and Practicum options, the latter of which would allow them to do laboratory or field research work in an affiliated institution. The Junior Term Abroad (JTA) Program is also now available to BS Biology majors, with affiliates in Asia, America, and Europe prepared to accommodate the students in their laboratories. The BS Biology program provides the most comprehensive preparation for further education, including medical studies; virtually 100% of our medically inclined graduates have enrolled in one of the top medical schools in the country and even abroad. Graduate research programs are also a common option for our majors. Our alumni are enjoying success in their respective fields, be it in medicine, research, industry, or the academe.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
Read 3 testimonials of BS in Biology graduates of Ateneo de Manila University
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BS in Chemistry
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The four-year B.S. Chemistry program provides students with a very strong foundation that gives them opportunities to work as chemists in industry or research, to pursue an academic career, or to move into other areas such as business and engineering. The curriculum puts emphasis on fundamental principles of chemistry, modern chemical instrumentation, and a strong hands-on component. Because laboratory work is done individually under the supervision of highly qualified faculty and using state-of-the-art facilities, each student develops a high level of competence and confidence. Graduates are eligible to take the Chemist Licensure Examinations. Most graduates of the program have found careers in industry, inevitably moving into positions of leadership. Those who opted for academic careers successfully finish their graduate degrees from prestigious universities abroad. There are also those who chose to become entrepreneurs, and have succeeded in their businesses. Outstanding students in the B.S. Chemistry program may choose to move into the integrated B.S./M.S. Chemistry program starting their junior year. Students in this program receive a B.S. Chemistry after four years and complete their M.S. after an additional year. This program features advanced coursework and emphasizes independent research in a streamlined study program. It is designed for students who are interested to do graduate studies in Chemistry, and allows graduates to immediately pursue doctoral studies at institutions that require a master’s degree for admission. A 4-year program that prepares the student for careers in industrial manufacturing firms, research and development, product development, postgraduate work and research in science, and others; the program culminates in a thesis research project.
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Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Chemistry with Materials Science and Engineering
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
New materials and devices with special properties will be in demand for the technologies of the 21st century. Materials Science and Engineering answers this need by integrating the knowledge and tools of chemistry and physics with engineering principles to design, fabricate and characterize improved and novel materials such as polymers, biodegradable plastics, biocompatible materials; ceramics, metals, and composites for stronger structural materials; semi-conductors for more efficient electronic devices; longer-lasting paints, coatings and corrosion resistant materials; and many others. This recently-introduced program is a five-year dual-major program where the students obtain a B.S. Chemistry after four years and a B.S. Materials Science and Engineering (BS MSE) after the fifth year. The B.S. Chemistry program combines a strong foundation in chemistry with a focus on materials through specialized electives. The combined five-year program provides competencies for careers in industry, especially in the areas of semiconductors, plastics, rubber, paints and resins, ceramics, textiles, food, or even cosmetics. Graduates are eligible to take the Chemist Licensure Examinations.
Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Environmental Science
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The BS Environmental Science (BS ES) curriculum combines the empirical focus of the natural sciences with the pro-active methodologies of management and the social sciences. It provides a broad disciplinary foundation needed to address many of today’s complex environmental problems. A 5-year BS/MS ES program is also offered to exceptional students. Like the MS ES curriculum, this program covers a range of fields and specializations needed to have a more holistic understanding of environmental problems.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Life Sciences
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
BS Life Sciences is a 4-year undergraduate honors program that provides more specialized training in the biological sciences. Majors choose from among Specializations, namely: 1) Biomedical Science, 2) Ecology and Systematics, 3) Microbiology, and 4) Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. These being the research areas of the Department, the majors are given rigorous training through innovative lecture and laboratory courses and through the undergraduate Thesis. The Junior Term Abroad (JTA) Program is also now available to BS Life Sciences majors, with affiliates in Asia, America, and Europe prepared to accommodate the students in their laboratories. The specialization of the BS Life Sciences majors allows them to excel in particular biological fields and prepares them for careers in these disciplines. The program produces the best researchers, practitioners, and educators with interests in medicine, biodiversity and conservation, microbiology, and molecular biology.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Management of Applied Chemistry
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
BS Management of Applied Chemistry, or MAC, is the first academic program of it's kind in the Philippines. It is a combination of two unlikely partners: Management and Chemistry. Launched in 1995, it is designed to develop managers and entrepreneurs for chemistry-based industries: business people with a strong technical background and working familiarity with the chemical processes used in manufacturing operations. This 4-year program draws together courses from the disciplines of Management and Chemistry to create a science-based entrepreneurship program with a strong hands-on and project orientation. Chemistry is taught from a more applied perspective, and the Accompanying laboratory work will focus on more practical approaches. The Industrial Chemistry course, designed specifically for students enrolled in this program, will expose MAC majors to basic manufacturing processes and operations of chemistry-based industrial concerns, using a combination of lectures and plant visits. Students are also given hands-on experience in the production of a wide range of simple chem-based products, such as paints, essential oils, and food flavorings. The centerpiece of the program is a sequence of courses that requires students to use market research to identify unfilled product niches in the market, go to the laboratory to design the product that will fill this niche, and then create and execute a business plan to launch and market this new product. Students who would like to start up their own small-scale manufacturing ventures or work in businesses dealing with chemistry-based products such as pharmaceuticals, processed foods, rubber, personal care products and plastics will benefit from the training provided by this program.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Mathematics
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The BS Mathematics program is designed to give students a competitive edge in our society by providing a solid foundation in pure mathematics such as algebra, analysis, geometry, and combinatorics. It is complemented with exposure to the applications of mathematics in the areas of actuarial science, operations research, statistics, and mathematical computing and modeling. Students enrolled in this program are also given the opportunity to participate in the research endeavors of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Physics
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
This is a 5-year program for students interested in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to do research in either theoretical or experimental physics. The aim is for students to gain a more in-depth familiarity with some of the most important concepts in physics and also develop skills in performing physics experiments. The program requires a submission and successful defense of a research thesis during the fifth year. The thesis can either be in theoretical or experimental physics.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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IT, Computer Science & Programming |
BS in Applied Computer Systems
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BS in Computer Engineering
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
This 5-year engineering program prepares students to become quality engineers in information technology and computer applications. Graduates will have good communication and analytical skills gained from mathematics, science, engineering, and elective courses offered by the department. The department puts special emphasis in the field of microelectronics and its application in the rapidly evolving field of digital systems. The hands-on and integrative approach aims to train students to become leaders in enterprises dealing with digital technologies.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Computer Science
major in:
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Duration: 4 years
With specialization in:
Business Intelligence Enterprise Systems Interactive Multimedia
Course description:
The BS in Computer Science (BS CS) program provides a rigorous foundation in both the theoretical and practical aspects of computing. Core computer science courses provide the students with an intensive background in writing complex software systems and in the design and interconnection of computers. Electives are available from various areas in computer science – including multimedia, MIS and software engineering, networks and wireless systems, web-based systems, computer engineering, and computational science. These are designed so that students can take interrelated courses to specialize in a particular area. Students are provided extensive access to state-of-the-art facilities, including Windows and Linux-based PCs and servers with high speed connectivity to the Internet, a campus-wide wireless network that allows access to the Internet from laptops and mobile devices, and the latest in software from Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, Unity, Unreal, and other leading software companies. Throughout the four years of study, the students are constantly expected to innovate and to contribute to advancement in technology and it's applications. Thus, graduates of the program can expect to be well prepared for graduate studies abroad or to become the systems designers and network administrators of software development firms and MIS/ICT departments of corporations
» Read the BS in Computer Science description by FindUniversity.ph
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
Read 2 testimonials of BS in Computer Science graduates of Ateneo de Manila University
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Business Intelligence |
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Enterprise Systems |
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Interactive Multimedia |
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BS in Information Technology Entrepreneurship
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BS/MS Honors Programs
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
Courses: 1. BS/MS in Chemistry 2. BS/MS in Environmental Science 3. BS/MS in Computer Science 4. BS in Management Engineering/MS in Computer Science
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Business |
AB in Economics
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AB in Management Economics
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BS in Management
major in:
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Duration: 4 years
Major in:
Communications Technology Management Legal Management
Course description:
The B.S. Management program is devoted to developing the next generation of high-impact entrepreneurs by giving students not just the theoretical frameworks but also the practical experience that will maximize their potential for future business success. The program curriculum is designed to develop in our students the sort of entrepreneurial eye and attitude that will help them to see opportunities where other might see problems, to innovate where others might be contented to simply keep things the same, to say “I will do it” where others might be contented to simply wait for someone else to do it. To achieve this, the major curriculum of the program is heavily project-oriented, with an emphasis on experiential and hands-on learning, rather than just classroom-based and textbook learning. Over the four years of the program, students are given multiple opportunities to hone their business planning skills. The centerpiece of the program is a culminating (and integrating) project where students are organized into micro-enterprise groups and tasked to actually run a business in their senior year. Many students have gone on to become entrepreneurs after graduation, with their senior year micro-enterprises serving as the take-off points for their business ventures. By the time they graduate, we expect our students to have the requisite skills in each of the different business disciplines necessary to effectively and efficiently manage and lead any type of organization. More importantly, they should have the sort of entrepreneurial attitude and outlook that will help them to be effective change agents, innovators, and leaders, whether as founders of their own business ventures, or as managers in the largest multinational corporations. The JGSOM Business Accelerator, or SOMBA program, as well as the JGSOM Student Enterprise Center, or JSEC, are just two of the most exciting experiential learning opportunities available to students who wish to pursue the entrepreneurial tract in earnest.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Communications Technology Management |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Science in Management major in Communications Technology Management Program is a 4 year degree (including 3 summer semesters) program of the John Gokongwei School of Management. The program started in the mid 1990's and has graduated roughly 1,400 students, a majority of whom are now in the marketing, communications, media, advertising and information technology industries. The program is the brainchild of 3 faculty members, namely: Mr. Rodolfo Ang (Management), Mr. Arnie del Rosario (Computer Science), and the late Ms. Doreen Fernandez (Communications). They created a program that aims to develop Managers for the communications industry (namely: Marketing, Advertising, Media) as well as the Information Technology Industry. It focuses on the management expertise of the BS Management Program while injecting subjects in communications and information technology to develop a more holistic manager for the industry. In the end, the students who graduate with a BS Comtech degree is a manager that understands both the management and the creative processes of the industry.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Legal Management |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The BS Management, major in Legal Management, is designed to create managers and entrepreneurs with a working knowledge of the legal environment within which all enterprises must operate. On top of the regular business curriculum is Added a law curriculum which covers all the major components of law that are encountered in the conduct of business: taxation, labor law, partnership and corporation law, laws on intellectual property. The course is not designed to be a preparation for law school, but has proven to be an excellent pre-law program, nevertheless. It can be especially appropriate for students who are considering a career in law, but are not certain that it is for them. The exposure to law subjects at the undergraduate level can help these students make a final determination as to their preparedness and interest in pursuing the legal profession. Legal Management is designed primarily to be an entrepreneurial program, giving students the theoretical as well the practical tools to effectively run an enterprise. The law subjects can provide LM graduates with a competitive edge in the increasingly legalistic business environment. Most of the major subjects involve teamwork because this is the way the real world operates. The ability to manifest leadership and take control in a team-oriented environment are today pre-requisites for business success. Students are trained to prepare business plans that are supported by extensive market research and analysis, and are asked to execute one such business plan as a requirement for graduation. The effective integration of both business and law courses with the liberal arts core curriculum of the Ateneo creates a holistic program that produces high-impact leaders for business, entrepreneurship and the legal profession.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Management (Honors)
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
BMH is an Entrepreneurship program that relies heavily on an experiential learning framework in it's approach to education. Thus, the curriculum emphasizes project work and hands-on exposure as a necessary complement to textbook learning and academic work, to create a richer, fuller, and more student-centered learning experience. Students enrolled in the program will be exposed to all the basic functional areas of management, with a special focus on the needs of small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and family businesses. Because we believe that entrepreneurship is best learned through practice rather than just in theory, students will be given multiple opportunities to prepare business plans and to actually execute these plans over the four years of the program. The curriculum is designed to develop in our students an eye for spotting opportunities and the entrepreneurial outlook that will move them to seize these opportunities as they become available, rather than to simply stand on the sidelines as mere spectators. This sort of eye and outlook will prove invaluable to them wherever their professional lives may take them, whether they start up their own entrepreneurial ventures, or go to work in multinational corporations.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Management Engineering
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Management Engineering, or ME program of the John Gokongwei School of Management is one of the most prestigious undergraduate degree programs of the Ateneo de Manila, if not the entire country. Admission into The program is limited only to applicants who score in the top 10% of the Ateneo College Entrance Test. This honors program combines the Ateneo’s traditional strength in the liberal arts with a strong foundation in business management and the decision sciences to create a curriculum that prepares students to meet the challenges of leading modern, information and technology-intensive organizations. Courses cover all the functional areas of business and management, with a special focus on technology management, systems thinking, and the scientific approach to problem solving and decision making. The program also allows student to take elective to gain further knowledge and skill in topics of personal interest. Management Engineering students must hurdle rigorous academic standards in order to complete the program. Student performance is evaluated year-on-year to determine compliance with strict retention requirements. The program produces highly motivated graduates who are wholistic in their world view, highly analytical in their decision making, and prepared to assume leadership roles in the workplace. ME graduates are highly regarded and heavily recruited by top-tier corporations, both local and multinational, across a variety of industries.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
Read 2 testimonials of BS in Management Engineering graduates of Ateneo de Manila University
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Religion & Theology |
AB in Pre-divinity
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Humanities |
AB Literature (English)
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AB in History
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Our students learn not only to understand our present society against the background of the past, but also analyze how this understanding is itself shaped by changing contexts. Graduates of the AB, Major in History program enter the fields of education, research, journalism, heritage conservation, tourism, and politics. A comprehensive grasp of history is also a natural first step for students who wish to enter law school or apply for the Foreign Service.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Humanities
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The Bachelor of Arts major in Humanities was introduced in the College of Arts and Sciences in 1983. Previously, the College had a traditional Humanities course devoted to the classical languages and literatures and to the arts. The current program retains vestiges of the old classical curriculum but adds more modern courses. It is home to students interested in the arts (both the fine and practical), the media (both printed and broadcast), research and writing (both creative and critical). The program is based on the classical belief in the capacity of human beings for self perfection. Its seeks to liberate the individual genius by exposing the students, in the words of Matthew Arnold, to “the best that is known and thought in the world, ” or The Great Tradition to which the individual talent belongs. These are the classics of literature, philosophy, and the arts — the makers charting the march of human civilization. The program holds that while people certainly cannot live without bread, they cannot live only for bread, either. Following the classical belief in individualism, the program in Humanities recognizes the particular talents and interests of students. Thus, besides receiving the basic background to the humanities or their potentials in the actual practice of the arts, under the supervision of the Chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, and given the means and services of the university. The end of Humanities program is to produce graduates sensitive to the delicate nuances of the human condition, aware of and appreciative of the record of the great human passions and ideas that have shaped and continue to shape the modern world, infused with the spirit of rigorous rational inquiry, and equipped with the intellectual maturity to form and articulate their own ideas. With the students’ commitment, the program hopes to instill the ideas of intellectual tolerance, love and liberty of thought, and the belief in the essential dignity of human being — ideals that are the core of every attempt to change the world. The Bachelor of Arts, major in Humanities, in short, is liberal education for genuine human liberation. It is a recognition of the impulses — ever fundamental but now too often ignored — that are the heart of our common humanity.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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AB in Philosophy
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
In this program, we offer training in critical and reflective thinking that will help students explore the meaning of their existence and of contemporary local and global realities. Philosophy majors are not only taught to think, but to understand things holistically as well, thus preparing them to be leaders with vision and insight. At the same time, philosophy majors are also exposed to the most important texts of the philosophical tradition. Through the encounter with these texts, they learn to read, reflect, write, and discourse with rigor and insight. Philosophy majors can focus their studies in these areas: classical philosophical studies; politics, law, and applied ethics; society, or culture, aesthetics, and literature.
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Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Creative Writing
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Creative Writing institutionalizes apprenticeship, the manner by which young writers learn their craft from more experienced writers; and the workshop, by which they learn from their peers. By putting these methods alongside the academic study of literary and critical texts, the creative process, and the pertinent contexts that influence literary production, the program aims to produce writers who are competent in the craft of their chosen genre specialty (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama) while remaining aware of literature’s place and influence in one’s life and one’s society.
Areas of Interest • Creative Writing and Literature • Genres of Writing • Philippine Literature • Theories of Writing • The Novel and Other Book-length Works
Career Opportunities Aside from being practitioners of literature, BFA CW graduates are qualified to work in publications as writers and editors; in the creative industry, public relations, and advertising as copywriters and content developers; in media and entertainment as journalists, scriptwriters, and producers; as well as in the academe as teachers of language and literature. Graduates are also qualified to move on to law school.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Communication & Information Science |
AB in Communication
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Founded on scholarship, research methods and ethics, undergraduate students focus their studies in communication on one of four concentrations — image & sound production, journalism, media studies, or advertising & public relations. They complete their studies with a summer work experience in related industries and with the crafting of a semester-long research or project thesis.
» Read the AB in Communication description by FindUniversity.ph
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Management Information Systems
major in:
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Duration: 4 years
With specialization in:
Business Intelligence Enterprise Systems Interactive Multimedia
Course description:
The BS in Management Information Systems (BS MIS) program is designed to produce future Chief Information Officers (CIOs) – professionals who can harness information technology to meet business objectives. An interdisciplinary offering of the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science (DISCS) and the John Gokongwei School of Management, students in this program enroll in computer science courses, management engineering courses, and core MIS courses. They are provided with access to the latest in software, hardware, and network technologies. The program promotes MIS as a field and as a career, discusses the tools necessary for the profession, and provides in-depth analyses of the issues surrounding MIS operations. BS MIS caters to students who are interested in the application of computers to business organizations and to students who wish to pursue a management course with extensive exposure to computing. Graduates from the program find immediate employment as system analysts, project managers, applications programmers, and information technology support personnel in local as well as in multinational corporations.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Business Intelligence |
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Enterprise Systems |
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Interactive Multimedia |
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Language |
AB in Panitikan (Filipino)
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Engineering |
BS in Computer Engineering
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
This 5-year engineering program prepares students to become quality engineers in information technology and computer applications. Graduates will have good communication and analytical skills gained from mathematics, science, engineering, and elective courses offered by the department. The department puts special emphasis in the field of microelectronics and its application in the rapidly evolving field of digital systems. The hands-on and integrative approach aims to train students to become leaders in enterprises dealing with digital technologies.
» Read the BS in Computer Engineering description by FindUniversity.ph
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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BS in Electronics Engineering
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Duration: 5 years
Course description:
This 5-year program aims to train licensed engineers who have a competent grasp of both the science and technology of modern electronics and telecommunications. It is expected that these professionals will not only be applications experts but also creative innovators in this field. The program is global in it's outlook, with teaching and training extending beyond the classroom. The student curriculum incorporates exposure to industry and on-the-job training that will enhance the students' professional preparation. The industry commitment and linkage programs provide an excellent environment for research, innovation and technology development.
» Read the BS in Electronics & Communications Engineering description by FindUniversity.ph
Board exam performance:
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Arts and Design |
Bachelor of Fine Arts
major in:
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Art Management |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Art Management exposes students to the highest professional standards in art practice and industry outside it's own production. The program provides important interfaces for education and training in such areas as curatorship, exhibition design, art writing, research, and documentation, and the marketing and promotion of the arts. Through it's linkage with the Ateneo Art Gallery and other significant local and international artistic and cultural institutions, the program provides it's students with unparalleled opportunities for involvement and immersion in the professional art, cultural, and creative industries.
Areas of Interest • Philippine Visual Arts • Southeast Asian Art and Architecture • Curatorship/Gallery Management • Cultural Heritage and Promotion • Art History and Documentation
Career Opportunities BFA AM graduates are qualified to work in museums and art institutions as curators, exhibition designers, and education/promotion officers. They may also become art critics and historians, culture and heritage advocates, editors of art, culture, and lifestyle publications, as well as publicists and managers of artists/performers.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Creative Writing |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Creative Writing institutionalizes apprenticeship, the manner by which young writers learn their craft from more experienced writers; and the workshop, by which they learn from their peers. By putting these methods alongside the academic study of literary and critical texts, the creative process, and the pertinent contexts that influence literary production, the program aims to produce writers who are competent in the craft of their chosen genre specialty (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama) while remaining aware of literature’s place and influence in one’s life and one’s society.
Areas of Interest • Creative Writing and Literature • Genres of Writing • Philippine Literature • Theories of Writing • The Novel and Other Book-length Works
Career Opportunities Aside from being practitioners of literature, BFA CW graduates are qualified to work in publications as writers and editors; in the creative industry, public relations, and advertising as copywriters and content developers; in media and entertainment as journalists, scriptwriters, and producers; as well as in the academe as teachers of language and literature. Graduates are also qualified to move on to law school.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Information Design |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Information Design roots it's relevance in problem solving through the effective presentation of relevant information so that it can best be received, understood, and utilized by a target audience. Design and communication theories contextualize and inform the students’ education in graphic design procedures and techniques. The program provides it's students with opportunities to develop their own skills in design, which they are tasked to use to attain specific goals that can aid personal growth, growth in industry, and change in society.
Areas of Interest • Information Architecture • Design Theory and Procedures • Design for Print and Web • Branding and Identity • Philippine Design History Career Opportunities BFA ID graduates are qualified to work in advertising, marketing, media, corporate communications, and publishing. They can work as freelance designers or for design studios who offer services such as the creation of marketing collaterals, the conceptualization of corporate and personal branding, as well as the development of interfaces for software and websites.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Theater Arts |
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Theater Arts exposes students to the range of theater activities, onstage and offstage, all of which require an individual and collaborative intelligence and a passionate interest in theater. The program is seen as a way to increase the number of trained men and women in theater practices, and to provide a venue for the development of theater artists who intend to apply their knowledge of the theater craft for work in professional theater or in film, radio, or television.
Areas of Interest • Acting • Directing • Technical Theater • Drama Text and Performance • Theater History and Criticism
Career Opportunities Aside from the obvious involvement in theater and media, BFA TA graduates do well in fields and in careers that place heavy demands on meeting the public. The program is a sound undergraduate preparation for public service or law, for teaching, for careers in sales and business, and for fields involving human relations.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Administration |
BS in Management major in Legal Management
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
The BS Management, major in Legal Management, is designed to create managers and entrepreneurs with a working knowledge of the legal environment within which all enterprises must operate. On top of the regular business curriculum is Added a law curriculum which covers all the major components of law that are encountered in the conduct of business: taxation, labor law, partnership and corporation law, laws on intellectual property. The course is not designed to be a preparation for law school, but has proven to be an excellent pre-law program, nevertheless. It can be especially appropriate for students who are considering a career in law, but are not certain that it is for them. The exposure to law subjects at the undergraduate level can help these students make a final determination as to their preparedness and interest in pursuing the legal profession. Legal Management is designed primarily to be an entrepreneurial program, giving students the theoretical as well the practical tools to effectively run an enterprise. The law subjects can provide LM graduates with a competitive edge in the increasingly legalistic business environment. Most of the major subjects involve teamwork because this is the way the real world operates. The ability to manifest leadership and take control in a team-oriented environment are today pre-requisites for business success. Students are trained to prepare business plans that are supported by extensive market research and analysis, and are asked to execute one such business plan as a requirement for graduation. The effective integration of both business and law courses with the liberal arts core curriculum of the Ateneo creates a holistic program that produces high-impact leaders for business, entrepreneurship and the legal profession.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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Medical & Healthcare |
BS in Health Sciences
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Duration: 4 years
Course description:
Designed for future health professionals and physicians aspiring to continue their training in medical education, particularly at the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH), the program of study requires a total of 162 academic units. The Core Curriculum provides a foundation for using the multi-disciplinary approach in the study of health while relevant course offerings in Social Sciences and Management further deepen this approach. The courses have been arranged in a sequential manner to enable the students to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary for them to become outstanding health care professionals, dynamic manager, and decisive social catalysts. The Health Sciences Program offers experiential learning to it's students through the Scholarly Work Series, the Health Professional Series, and it's various course offerings.
Admission requirements:
Tuition Fees:
P 80,000-90,000 per semester
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