Duration: 2 years
Course description:
The Computer System and Network Technology program has been designed to equip candidates the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in the application of computer system and networking technologies in various environments. It provides the basic principles of communication and work standards, and theories and trainings on the use of computers in the design, implementation, and maintenance of network technologies.
The student of this program installs, troubleshoots, repairs and maintains personal computer systems and maintains, fine tunes, monitors and troubleshoots networks including filer servers, workstations, cable, NIC cards, shared resources (printer, hard disks install), network operating system, hubs, switches and routers.
The modules in this program will be delivered through (a) interactive discussions in the classroom utilizing visual aids and other teaching materials to gain the knowledge and (b) laboratory classes to acquire the required skills and competencies. Take home reading assignments may also be given from time to time.
Specifically, some of the teaching methodologies to be utilized are:
• Interactive lecture and discussion
• Problem solving
• Simulation (hands-on machine problems and exercises)
• Individualize learning
• On-the-job training
The trainees/students are expected to:
• Apply programming language.
• Examine computer system design and architecture.
• Apply pc troubleshooting and maintenance.
• Install cables for data networks.
• Implement local area network.
• Configure wide area network.
• Perform network architecture analysis.
• Administer Linux operating system.
• Implement structured cabling system.
• Use appropriate electronics and electrical tools, instruments and equipment.
• Perform digital circuit analysis and design.
• Implement electronics and communication systems.
• Apply project management.
Upon completion of this course, the trainees/students with the necessary competencies, should be able to perform the duties, responsibilities and acquired attitude relevant to the job titles:
• Computer and Network Administrator
• Systems Administrator
• LAN/WAN Manager
• IT Manager
The trainees/students also should be able to pass the Occupational Qualification and Certification System (National Certificate – Level IV) of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) – a government accrediting institution.
Admission requirements:
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