About my college education:
My first time to step into the vicinity of Luzon Nazarene Bible College, I was expecting a different perception of this school. I’ve decided to go here because my whole family and relatives were very supportive and wishes me to become a pastor, but actually I was thinking the other way around. So to not disappoint my family’s expectation I enrolled.
On my first year we are studying subjects like College Algebra, Physical Science, Humanities, Statistics, Personal Hygiene, Philippine and World Literature. But as I enter my second semester until fourth year college weird subjects are offered like Bible Doctrine, Christian Theology, Old and New Testament Survey, Pauline Epistles, Johanine Epistles, Church History and many more. I did not have much of the interest on giving my best effort in my studies in first year of second semester. But until one day when I was given the opportunity to go to Korea last vacation of 2004, the Lord spoke to me and has given me sign that He is indeed calling me to become a pastor.
The issue here is one must be sure first that He has a calling to become a full time pledged pastor the rest of the skills will just follow. But I think it is a must that one should master atleast one instrument like guitar or piano. Because there is singing in every services when you are now a graduate and handling your own church.
My current job:
I am currently the assistant pastor of Magalang Church of the Nazarene, and a chaplain in our private school, Truelight Foundation School, Inc.
Am I using what I learned in college:
I’m a practical man and practically contextualizing what I’ve learned in my college years on the church administration. The main weapon I use is of course the Holy Scripture, generally known as the Bible. More on visiting our members during the week, having Bible studies, preaching during Sunday Services and sometimes leading a band through singing. When attending seminars we discuss Doctrines and Ethical Issues, etc.
How long did it take to find a job:
Right after my graduation in 2008 I was immediately sent to Escaler Church of the Nazarene in Escaler, Magalang, Pampanga to be an assistant pastor by our mother church in San Pablo, Magalang Pampanga headed by a Korean missionary.
Do I recommend studying Theology:
I would recommend this course for those who are sure that the Lord is leading them for a full time ministry in the field (pastoral work). For those who wants to find joy and peace even though in the midst of storm and is simply satisfied even with just a small amount of salary as long as you love serving the people for the Lord, this would be the perfect course for you.
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