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MS in Rural Development in the Philippines

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Program Overview

The Master of Science in Rural Development (MA RD) is a two-year graduate program that provides those with a background in economics, sociology, environmental science, agronomy, or development studies an in-depth and holistic study on how those disciplines are applied in rural development. The program prepares students to help empower rural communities to develop and apply strategies and policies in order to meet their development goals.

Recommended Undergraduate Program

Students who wish to pursue a graduate degree in MS in Rural Development should have an undergraduate degree in the social sciences field. However, students who do not hold an undergraduate program in those fields but still wish to pursue the program are encouraged to take at least 18 units of courses in the relevant fields.

Subjects and Curriculum

  • Agricultural Extension Teaching Methods and Approaches

  • Communication and Extension in Rural Development

  • Rural Development– Planning and Management

  • Entrepreneurship and Rural Development

  • Research Methods in Rural Development

  • Community Organization and Leadership

  • Voluntary Action in Rural Development

  • Land Reforms and Rural Development

  • Financial Mgt. Accounting & Control

  • Agricultural Research Management

  • Project Planning and Management

  • Theories and Strategies of Change

  • Quantitative Methods in Business

  • Rural Development Programmes

  • Rural Social Development

  • Rural Health Care

  • Dissertation

Admission Requirements


  • The student must have an undergraduate degree relevant to the program

  • An applicant with a degree not in line with the social sciences field may still be admitted to the program as long as they take the pre-requisite courses. However, some colleges and universities admit any bachelor’s degree holders. 

  • The student must pass the Graduate Admissions Test of the university

Basic Requirements

  • Undergraduate Transcript of records (Original and Photocopy)

  • Recommendation letters from former professors, deans, or colleagues

  • Letter of intent

  • Most recent medical and dental health record

  • Copy of NSO Certified birth certificate

  • Copy of undergraduate diploma

  • (1) Latest 2”x2”ID Picture

Areas of Specialization

  • Agricultural Development

  • Environmental and Resource Management

  • Food Science Management

  • Disaster Risk Management

Program Outcome

Graduates of MS in Rural Development are expected to be able to:

  • Apply the competency in research when it comes to designing, implementing, and assessing social programs and projects

  • Analyze and solve social problems and issues

  • Effectively communicate ideas

Board Exam

The MS in Rural Development does not have a board examination. However, graduates may opt to take the Civil Service Examination (CSE) conducted by the Philippine Civil Service Commission (PCSC) to qualify in working in government offices. Some graduates opt to take a Doctorate degree to further gain expertise in the industry. 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of MS in Rural Development may pursue a career path in local urban and rural development organizations, government and non-profit agencies, and humanitarian institutions. They may apply as a college development studies professor, rural development manager, rural area manager, program development officer, rural marketing manager, development consultant, or an executive director.

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