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Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II in the Philippines

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Program Overview

Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II is a technical-vocational program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to assemble/disassemble consumer electronic products and systems, maintain and repair audio/video products and systems, electronically-controlled domestic appliances and cellular phones in accordance with the industry standards.

The Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program is supervised and accredited by TESDA (a government agency that regulates vocational courses), and TESDA-accredited education institutions may offer this program.

The Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program may also be incorporated in undergraduate courses such as BS in Industrial Education (BSIE) and BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT).

Course Structure

The course structure for Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II is divided into the following modules:
  • Basic Competencies
    • Participate in workplace communication (4 hours)
    • Work in a team environment (4 hours)
    • Practice career professionalism (4 hours)
    • Practice occupational health and safety procedure (6 hours)
  • Common Competencies
    • Using hand tools (8 hours)
    • Performing mensuration and calculation (16 hours)
    • Preparing and interpreting technical drawing (8 hours)
    • Applying quality standards (12 hours)
    • Performing computer operations (8 hours)
    • Terminating and connecting electrical wiring and electronics circuits (8 hours)
  • Core Competencies
    • Assembling/disassembling consumer electronics products and systems (40 hours)
    • Maintaining and repairing audio/video products and systems (200 hours)
    • Maintaining and repairing electronically controlled domestic appliances (80 hours)
    • Maintaining and repairing cellular phones (40 hours)
The lessons in the Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program are taught to students through lectures and demonstrations, self-paced instruction and group discussions. Hands-on training provides students with exposure to current techniques and equipment.

Student learning assessment and evaluation is conducted at the end of every module discussion. This is done through direct observation, simulations, practical demonstrations and oral and written exams.

Is Consumer Electronics Servicing a profession?

Jobs in the Consumer Electronics Repair field are considered professions, because they require a specialized set of skills that can only be acquired through learning and work experience.

A specialization in a particular type of electronic devices, combined with a certificate and/or professional experience, makes one a professional in this field. Common careers include working as a Domestic Appliance Service Technician, Cellular Phone Service Technician and Audio-Video Service Technician.

Entry Requirements for Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II

The basic requirements for trainees of Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II as set by TESDA includes the following:
  • Can communicate orally and in writing
  • Can perform basic mathematical computations
  • Must be physically and mentally fit
Schools and training centers offering the program may include additional requirements.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

  • Strong Technical Skills: the knowledge and ability to learn, operate and control properly and safely an extensive range of equipment, tools and systems used in the field.
  • Logical skills: the ability to determine how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes
  • Problem solving skills: the ability to analyze, troubleshoot and service analog and digital electronic devices using industry-established best practices, procedures and tools.
  • Reading comprehension: you will be reading and interpreting equipment manuals and drawings so you must at least have average reading comprehension skills
  • Good motor coordination: since you will be working with small parts/objects, hand/eye coordination, accurate and swift movement, finger/manual dexterity are important.
  • Observation skills: the ability to notice and identify even the most minute problems in a system, process or equipment
  • Patience: you will not always be able to identify and fix the problem in a system or device right away, so you have to extend your patience and continue working.
  • Ability to quickly grasp instructions
  • Computer Literacy: basic knowledge of computer use and being able to understand application software and systems

How difficult is Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II?

The program is focused on developing the practical skills of students thus theory based subjects are minimal. Students don’t have to memorize a lot, rather, they have to keep up with practicums and hands-on exercises. There are no major requirements such as research papers or projects.

The challenging part of the program is studying the technical aspects of Consumer Electronics Servicing. For students who have minimal or no background, this program may be a little difficult. An interest and understanding of electronic systems is helpful. However, with repeated practice and studying, a trainee will be able to learn the ins and outs of Consumer Electronics Servicing.

How long does it take to complete the Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program in the Philippines?

The recommended duration of Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program according to TESDA regulations is 436 hours: 18 hours of Basic Competencies, 60 hours of Common Competencies and 360 hours of Core competencies. However the duration may be longer due to the OJT or the school's curriculum.

On the Job Training (OJT)

TESDA-accredited institutions may integrate an On the Job Training (OJT) in the Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II program. Students may be assigned in different equipment companies, manufacturers, telecommunications, transportation and power companies, mobile repair and maintenance shops, etc. The student will report to the designated authority in the agency who will supervise and guide his practice. The assigned authority will evaluate the student periodically and submit an evaluation form to the assigned TVET trainer.

The required number of hours for OJT varies from one institution to another.

Assessment and Certification

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the regulating body for all vocational courses in the Philippines and is in-charge of the assessment and certification of the competencies of technical-vocational workers through the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS). The assessment process aims to determine whether the graduate will be able to perform according to workplace standards based on a defined competency standard. Certification is given to those who meet the competency standards.

The Assessment and Certification process is not required among graduates of vocational courses. Graduate trainees have the option whether to undergo the process or not. However, a TESDA certification will give a graduate an advantage since local and foreign companies who hire skilled workers may require this credential.

Graduates of Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II are advised to take the Assessment and Certification Exam, National Certificate – Level II (NCII).

The National Certificate is only valid for five years, which means that it has to be renewed. The requirements and steps in applying for assessment and certification as well as the methods used for assessment are found in the TESDA website.

Career Opportunities for Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II graduates

  • Field service technician, electronic products: visits customers’ places of work to install and service equipment
  • Domestic Appliance Service Technician: repair, adjust, or install all types of electric or gas household appliances, such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, and ovens.
  • Audio-video service technician: set up, operate, maintain and repair equipment used to enhance live events, such as microphones, video recorders, projectors, lighting and sound mixing equipment.
  • Cellular Phone Service Technician: attend to damaged or faulty phones brought in by customers. He diagnoses and repairs the phones, and informs the customers when the phones will be available for pickup.
  • Office equipment service technician: responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing office equipment such as printers, scanners, photocopiers and fax machines.
  • Satellite antenna servicer: measure and document installation locations and height/depth of equipment; survey sites, select equipment locations, and install and test antennas.
  • Copy machine technician: provides support and troubleshooting services for copy machines and related office equipment.
  • Alarm system technician: install, program, maintain, or repair security or fire alarm wiring and equipment. Ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes.
  • Calibration Technician: inspect, test, maintain and repair a variety of electronic equipment to ensure measurement accuracy.
  • Manufacturing Equipment Technician: test products or subassemblies for functionality or quality.
  • Communications technician: responsible for the technical aspects of media broadcast and must ensure that all equipment is working properly

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