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Commercial Cooking NC II in the Philippines

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Program Overview

Commercial Cooking NC II is a technical-vocational program that develops skills in planning, preparing, cooking and serving various menus. Students are taught how to make/cook meat, appetizers, salads, vegetables, sandwiches, eggs, desserts and more.

Students under the Commercial Cooking NCII program are trained in different food preparation and presentation techniques based on industry standards. Topics like receiving, storing and managing kitchen supplies are covered in the program.

This program is offered by TESDA accredited training institutes, colleges and training centers.

Course Structure

The course structure for Commercial Cooking NC II is divided into three main competencies:
  • Basic Competencies (18 hours)
    • Participate in workplace communication
    • Work in a team environment
    • Practice career professionalism
    • Practice occupational health and safety procedure
  • Common Competencies (18 hours)
    • Develop and update industry knowledge
    • Observe workplace hygiene procedures
    • Perform computer operations
    • Perform workplace and safety practices
    • Provide effective customer service
  • Core Competencies (280 hours)
    • Clean and maintain kitchen premises
    • Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
    • Prepare appetizers
    • Prepare salads and dressing
    • Prepare sandwiches
    • Prepare meat dishes
    • Prepare vegetables dishes
    • Prepare egg dishes
Technical-vocational programs follow a modular approach in classroom instruction which makes it easier for students to learn. Modular Instruction is a type of teaching method that follows a specific set of planned learning activities and exercises. These activities are contained in a short booklet called a module. Students are allowed to proceed with their own learning pace (self-pacing). Instructors provide timely feedbacks allowing students to improve their skills.Lessons in this program are taught to students through lectures and demonstrations, self-paced instruction and group discussion. Student learning assessment and evaluation is conducted at the end of every module discussion. This is done through direct observation, simulations, practical demonstrations and oral and written exams.

Is Cooking a profession?

Cooking and food preparation jobs are usually considered professions. A specialization in cooking, combined with a certificate and/or professional experience, makes one a professional cook and eventually a Chef.

Entry Requirements for Commercial Cooking NC II

The basic requirements for trainees of Commercial Cooking NCII as set by TESDA include:
  • Can communicate both in oral and written
  • Physically and mentally fit
  • With good moral character
  • Can perform basic mathematical computation

Schools and training centers offering the program may include additional requirements.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

  • Culinary skills – during the course of this program, you will have a lot of discussions and practicums on food preparation which includes cooking of all kinds therefore you must atleast have the interest in cooking or baking to survive this course.
  • Technical Skills – the knowledge and ability to learn, operate and control properly and safely an extensive range of equipment, tools and instruments as well as standard kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, blenders and ovens.
  • Endurance – the ability to withstand tiresome work such as serving customers, standing up and walking from one area to another and being in the kitchen where the environment may be uncomfortable
  • Basic oral and written English skills – during the on the job training (OJT), students are assigned in different establishments such as hotels, resorts, restaurants and a lot more where the use of English is important both to entertain customers and for job related tasks.
  • Being comfortable serving other people
  • Patience – during the OJT, students may encounter irritable and demanding clients therefore they must be patient enough to deal with different types of people
  • Computer Literacy – basic knowledge of computer use and being able to understand application software and systems

How difficult is Commercial Cooking NC II?

Commercial Cooking NC II is not considered a difficult program. The topics covered in this program are basic concepts in Hotel and Restaurant Management so the lessons are generally easy to understand. Students don’t need to use complex thinking in this course.

The challenging parts of the program are the practicums and simulations where students will perform certain procedures in the kitchen, and will be observed and graded by their instructor based on their performance. Aside from this, there are no other difficult requirements.

How long does it take to complete the Commercial Cooking NC II program in the Philippines?

The standard completion time of the Commercial Cooking NCII program as recommended by TESDA is 316 hours: 18 hours of Basic Competencies, 18 hours of Common Competencies and 280 hours of Core Competencies. However the duration may be longer due to the OJT or the school's curriculum.

On the Job Training (OJT)

TESDA-accredited institutions may integrate an On the Job Training (OJT) in the Commercial Cooking NC II program. Students will be assigned in different food and beverage service facilities, hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, canteens, resorts or any other related operations. The student will report to the designated authority in the agency who will supervise and guide his practice. The assigned authority will evaluate the student periodically and submit an evaluation form to the assigned TVET trainer.

The required number of hours for OJT varies from one institution to another.

Assessment and Certification

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the regulating body for all vocational courses in the Philippines and is in-charge of the assessment and certification of the competencies of technical-vocational workers through the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS). The assessment process aims to determine whether the graduate will be able to perform according to workplace standards based on a defined competency standard. Certification is given to those who meet the competency standards.

The Assessment and Certification process is not required among graduates of vocational courses. Graduate trainees have the option whether to undergo the process or not. However, a TESDA certification will give a graduate an advantage since local and foreign companies who hire skilled workers require this credential.

Graduates of Commercial Cooking are advised to take and pass the Assessment and Certification Exam, National Certificate Level II (NC II).

The National Certificate is only valid for five years, which means that it has to be renewed /revalidated. The requirements and steps in applying for assessment and certification as well as the methods used for assessment are found in the TESDA website. For those who wish to elevate their qualification level may do so by undergoing the assessment and certification process for NC III and IV.

Career Opportunities for Commercial Cooking NC II graduates

  • Kitchen Helper – cleans and sanitizes kitchen equipment; assists in basic food preparation; receives and stores products in kitchens.
  • Commis – junior chef
  • Line Cook – may also be called a “station chef”, is the chef designated to take charge of a certain area of food production, such as meat or salad preparation, and is responsible for much of the cooking in a commercial kitchen.
  • Cook – prepare, season, and cook a wide range of foods. This may include soups, salads, entrees, and desserts.
  • Foodservice Counter Attendant – prepares, heats and finishes simple food items; usually employed in more casual diners or in fast food chains
  • Pastry chef – in charge of and trained in the production of desserts, pastries, and breads.
  • Sous Chef – the culinary chef located just below the executive or head chef in a kitchen’s chain of command.
  • Executive Chef – in charge of menu creation, plating design and layout, recipe production, and management of kitchen staff.
  • Kitchen Supervisor – directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers who prepare and serve food.
  • Kitchen Manager – responsible for the overall operations for the back of house and kitchen area of a restaurant.
  • Personal chef – prepare meals for a specific client or customer, often in the customer’s private kitchen, in accordance to the client’s dietary needs or preferences.
  • Food Operations Officer – ensure that all reporting and control procedures in the operations, customer service, quality of production, hygiene and cleanliness standards, maintenance and general administration are completed and in place according to company’s policy and chain operation manual.
  • Chief Steward – supervises and coordinates activities of pantry, storeroom, and non-cooking kitchen workers as well as purchases, kitchen supplies, and equipment.

Career Opportunities Abroad

Jobs under the commercial cooking program belongs to the general category of the Hotel and Restaurant/Tourism industry; Jobs under this field are highly in demand abroad.

According to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Filipino chefs and cooks are highly in demand abroad. Aside from culinary skills, foreign countries prefer to hire Filipino chefs and cooks because of their English language proficiency which makes communication easier (see sources 1, 2).

Salary Levels

The following are some common cooking / kitchen / food preparation jobs, and their monthly salaries (source: jobstreet, 2017):
Fresh Grad 1-4 Years
Experienced Employee
/ 5 Years & Up
Experienced Employee
Assistant Manager
/ Manager
Cook P 9K – 13K P 12K–15K P 14K–20K
Line Cook P 12K–17K
Chef P 14K–18K P 16K–25K P 25K–40K
Commis P 10K–18K
Kitchen Supervisor P 15K–20K

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Reviews of Commercial Cooking NC II graduates:

A. E.
◈ Studied Commercial Cooking NC II
◈ At Kabaka Manpower Training Center
◈ Graduated 2012

list bulletAbout my college education: I think that my course is rather basic – a trainee must focus on understanding of theories and be able to apply learning of such. I also think that one must develop key competencies thru constant feedback to improve performance.
Most of the trainers are not yet competent because the application of the subjects is not in accordance with TESDA requirements. I also think that subjects should be modular in nature.

list bulletMy current job: Trainer/ Instructor

list bulletAm I using what I learned in college: No, because training was not that good.

list bulletDo I recommend studying Cooking: One who finished CC-NCLL needs to further his/her education; otherwise, they will find difficulty in getting a job. You won't have a job unless you finish trainer's methodology.
Was this review useful to you? Usefull Not usefull
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