Why did I choose Physics:
I'm always fascinated with nature. Physics tells us the hows in most of the things around us. Never mind the why.
About my college education:
The mathematics of Physics was difficult.
Discovering awesome things/phenomena in nature where you previously thought impossible or non existent, was enjoyable.
Traits and attitude of the students:
1) keep your curiosity
2) know by reading, listening or asking questions and then apply what you have learned
My current job:
I'm a test development engineer by profession. I develop methods to test the quality of products and make machines to test the products.
Am I using what I learned in college:
I used and applied most of what I learned in college, probably 70%, and rest are my soft skills that were sharpened during college days.
How long did it take to find a job:
Right after graduation.
Do I recommend studying Physics:
Employment opportunities - I recommend, we need more science oriented professionals in our country. Someone who knows the hows of things and can do things right. We need problem solvers and innovators.
Fulfilling/interesting career - Of course.
Salary level - 15,000 - 25,000 Php entry level.
Advice to people who are thinking of studying this course:
Have fun!
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