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BS in Midwifery in the Philippines

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Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM) is a four-year ladderized degree program designed to equip students with knowledge and skills in helping women in their childbearing cycle and birthing process. Students are trained to learn maternity care during pregnancy, labor, delivery, OB-GYN emergencies, and post-partum as well as caring for infants and children.

Recommended Senior High School Strand

Students who want to pursue a degree in Midwifery are encouraged to take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand under the Academic Track. The strand provides the basics of applied mathematics and sciences that will be useful in their college life.

Subjects and Curriculum

  • Foundations of Midwifery Practice
  • OB Care of the Newborn
  • Pathological obstetrics
  • Basic family planning and care of infants
  • Professional Growth and Development
  • Clinical Management
  • Midwifery Pharmacology
  • Comprehensive Family Planning
  • Midwifery Entrepreneurship
  • Early Childhood Care
  • Midwifery Research 1 and 2

Admission Requirements


  • The student must be a high school graduate. 

However, if they were not able to graduate high school, they may opt to take the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and pass the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) to qualify for college; the availability of courses for PEPT passers depend on the university.

  • The students must pass the College Admissions Test of the university.

Basic Requirements

  • Form 138 - High School Report Card (Original and Photocopy)
  • Recommendation letter from High school principal and guidance counselor
  • Most recent medical and dental health record

  • Copy of NSO Certified birth certificate
  • Certificate of Good moral character
  • Copy of honorable dismissal
  • Copy of high school diploma
  • (1) Latest 2”x2” ID Picture

Program Outcome

Graduates of BS in Midwifery are expected to be able to:

  • Provide supervision, care, and advice to women with a high-risk pregnancy if a specialist is unavailable
  • Accurately interpret diagnostic examinations related to midwifery
  • Assist in a cesarean section procedure
  • Provide basic and comprehensive family planning services

On-The-Job Training/Internship

During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in different health centers such as tertiary hospitals, community health centers, lying-in clinics (birthing centers), and home settings.

Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an actual work setting. Usually, universities require them to submit a written report on their tasks, learning experiences, and hours rendered. Their work performance will also be evaluated by their immediate managers and will be submitted to their respective OJT coordinator. The number of hours required may differ in each university.

Board Exam

To become a Registered Midwife (RM) in the Philippines, a graduate of BS in Midwifery needs to pass the Midwifery Licensure Examination. The examination is conducted by the Board of Midwifery under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of BS in Midwifery may pursue a career path in different health centers such as tertiary hospitals, community health centers, lying-in clinics (birthing centers), and home settings as a Midwife.

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