Why did I choose Management Accounting:
I studied this course due to it's potential possibility to find great jobs that will lead me to establish the dreams I have for my family and for my future.
About my college education:
Difficult, well as normal as it can be as student we need to strive hard to attain and learn the subjects, process, methods, and techniques to provide a concise and clear understanding in the course we are taking thus making is complex when it is becomes in to the real cruel world of business. Fun because of the friends that I meet along in this process of learning together we strive hard to attain the succession we long for. Interesting because ever bit of memories of hard work, team work, and personal experiences brought a chance for me to make a difference and to be a personal treasure of experience for attaining the succession of the dreams I long to achieve.
My current job:
Book keeping - management of workbooks, vouchers, and various business transaction of our Corporation.
Am I using what I learned in college:
Yes, I have. I have used my insights of accounting processes, methods, laws, and tax policies. I have used my management processing in using methods in coordinating my document and business transaction processes. I have used my marketing skills in achieving business transaction, hold a meeting, and making sales for our company.
How long did it take to find a job:
3 months after graduation.
Do I recommend studying Management Accounting:
Yes, I would recommend as the employment opportunities are always there.
Salary level will be just following you if you do the your best.
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