Why did I choose Computer Technology:
This course is practical for employment purposes. Most offices are already using computers for administration needs. It is not expensive to study in this course, and it is not difficult. As one coming from a poor family, it is my best choice.
About my college education:
This course is about basic computer. Programming is quite difficult though I managed to survive the course. Electronics is the most interesting and enjoyable subject in my course. Some of my classmates failed but were given make-up exams to cope up.
One needs patience, and be studious in this course. Computer technology demands a lot from a student’s time.
My current job:
I am now working in a law office doing inputting, designing of logo and letter heads and acting as record keeper and secretary.
Am I using what I learned in college:
Computer technology is a very practical course for me. I am applying the basic knowledge I learned in college in my present work. But I cannot be good in programming because our school lacked the equipment and better facilities for this purpose.
How long did it take to find a job:
After a month
Do I recommend studying Computer Technology:
For easy employment, this is the course to enroll in. It is required in all administrative offices. There is no advantage over other graduates who come from more competitive schools in programming.
But this does not offer a high salary. Unless you have a talent for programming, this course is not highly recommendable. One will be asked to work for more than 8 hours a day and yet does not get high pay.
Advice to people who are thinking of studying this course:
It is a course that will suit those who are interested or want to be good in programming. But you have to study in a school with good training facilities; otherwise they will only get to learn the basic.
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