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BS in Applied Physics in the Philippines

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Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics is a four-year program ideal for students who would like to pursue the principles and real-life applications of physics. The program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and problem-solving skills needed in order to apply physics to the broad realm of practical problems in engineering, science, and industry. Students will also be able to gain analytical skills in developing technology through the fundamental principles of physics.

Recommended Senior High School Strand

Students who want to pursue a degree in Applied Physics encouraged to take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand under the Academic Track. The strand provides the basics of applied mathematics and sciences that will be useful in their college life.

Subjects and Curriculum

  • Fundamental Physics
  • General Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Instrumentation Physics
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Experimental Physics
  • Physical Electronics
  • Solid State Physics
  • Statistical Physics
  • Modern Physics
  • Optical Physics

Admission Requirements


  • The student must be a high school graduate. 

However, if they were not able to graduate high school, they may opt to take the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and pass the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) to qualify for college; the availability of courses for PEPT passers depend on the university.

  • The students must pass the College Admissions Test of the university.

Program Outcome

Graduates of BS in Applied Physics are expected to be able to:

  • Articulate the latest developments in their specific field of practice
  • Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino languages
  • Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
  • Demonstrate professional, social, and ethical responsibility, especially in practicing intellectual property rights and sustainable development
  • Ability to apply principles of physics in practical problems
  • Use analytical skills in technological development

On-The-Job Training/Internship

During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in high technology companies, government laboratories, and educational institutions.

Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an actual work setting. Usually, universities require them to submit a written report on their tasks, learning experiences, and hours rendered. Their work performance will also be evaluated by their immediate managers and will be submitted to their respective OJT coordinator. The number of hours required may differ in each university.

Board Exam

The BS in Applied Physics does not have a board examination. However, graduates may opt to take the Civil Service Examination (CSE) conducted by the Philippine Civil Service Commission (PCSC) to qualify in working in government offices. Some graduates opt to take a Master’s degree followed by a Doctorate degree to gain expertise in the industry. 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of BS in Applied Physics may pursue a career path in high technology companies, government laboratories, and educational institutions. They may apply as a researcher, laboratory technician, geophysicist, acoustic consultant, research scientist, medical physics scientist, or high school physics teacher.

Reviews of BS in Applied Physics graduates:

list bulletWhy did I choose Applied Physics: Physics is the scientific basis for technologies that continue to have a profound influence on almost all aspects of modern life. Applied Physics have a lot of contribution in modern technology thus, presenting a wide variety of job opportunities after graduation.

list bulletAbout my college education: It is very hard, but it is fun. A student will need to exert a lot of effort in order to pass his subjects. They say that it is difficult to enter UP, but the truth is, it's more difficult to leave (i.e. To graduate). But nonetheless, with perseverance and patience, nothing is unachievable.

list bulletMy current job: Electronics and Instrumentation Technician

list bulletAm I using what I learned in college: The theories are applicable to my current work but what I think is more important are the values ingrained to me by my professors. Something that you cannot read from any textbook.

list bulletHow long did it take to find a job: I was able to find a job right after graduation.

list bulletDo I recommend studying Applied Physics: Yes. There are many options for an Applied Physics graduate. If you are lucky, then you can get a high starting rate, but usually, it may take time before you have higher salary. Well, I guess that will be depending on the company. But high salary or not, I think this is a very fulfilling career!

list bulletAdvice to people who are thinking of studying this course: Study hard and never give up. The road may be bumpy, but you should not stop until you reach the finish line!
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