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Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education in the Philippines

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Program Overview

Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education is a four-year ladderized degree program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to teach technical-vocational courses like Automotive, Electrical, Civil and Drafting technology, Food and Service Management and many more. It aims to equip students with a strong theoretical understanding of teaching and technology. The Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education program inculcates in students a deep understanding of the teaching and learning principles and theories needed in teaching technical-vocational courses. It also discusses how the educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.

Recommended Senior High School Strand

Students who wish to study Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education are encouraged to take the Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communication (ICT) strand all under the Technical-Vocational and Livelihood track for Senior High School. These strands will cover relevant topics that may be further discussed in their college lectures. 

Subjects and Curriculum

  • Adolescent Psychology

  • Facilitating Learning

  • Social Dimensions of Education

  • The Teaching Profession

  • Curriculum Development

  • Code of Ethics

  • Principles of Teaching

  • Strategies of Teaching

  • Education Technology

  • Assessment of Students Learning

  • Career Guidance and Counselling

Admission Requirements

Two Models of the Technical Teacher Education Program

  • Model A – offered to high school graduates.

  • Model B – offered to the graduates of the two year Trade Technical Curriculum and the Three-year Diploma of Technology Program in different areas of specialization, who have at least one-year industry experience aside from the industry immersion/OJT.

The two types of models for the Technical Teacher Education program have specific admission requirements. Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the mandated requirements according to CHED.

Admission requirements for High School students:

  • Must be a high school graduate.

  • Those who did not complete high school education may opt to first attend the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and pass the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) to qualify for college. However, some universities only offer selected courses for PEPT passers

  • College entrance exam: must pass the college entrance examination with a specified rating set by the school.

  • General Weighted Average (GWA): the high school graduate must have a specified grade point average as reflected in his/her form 138.

  • Interview: must pass the interview conducted by the college.

Admission requirements for Technology Diploma holders:

  • Full-fledged Technician: to be admitted to the BTTE program model B, an applicant must be a graduate of a two-year Trade Technical Curriculum or a three-year Diploma of Technology Program in different areas of specialization, or any other Technical – Vocational course.

  • One year work/industry experience: must have at least one-year industry experience, aside from the industry immersion/OJT.

  • Grade average in technical subjects: the technician candidate must have obtained the specified grade average in his technical subjects.

  • National Certification (NC): for an applicant to be admitted, he/she must have been awarded as a third class (NCIII) certified technician by TESDA.

  • Completed the general education requirements: the applicant must have satisfied the minimum general education requirements. In case the applicant lacks units in general education, bridging subjects should be taken by the applicant to fulfill the general education requirements.

Program Outcome

Graduate of the Technical Teacher Education program are expected to:

  • Explain the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts

  • Demonstrate mastery of the discipline

  • Facilitate learning using various teaching methodologies appropriate to learners and their environment

  • Develop innovative curriculum, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for different types of learners

  • Abide with professional and ethical teaching standards whether it’s local, national, or global

On-The-Job Training/Internship

A Technical Teacher Education major program needs to complete two sets of Field Practicum.

  • Industry Immersion

Under the Industry Immersion, students will be assigned in different agencies and companies related to their specific field of study. During the Industry Immersion, students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual settings. The immersion program is done under the supervision of a designated authority in the establishment/office which will evaluate the student periodically and submit the evaluation form to the assigned faculty member. The Industry Immersion is offered in the fourth year of the program.

  • Practice Teaching

Practice Teaching is the culmination of the teacher preparation process. Students may be assigned in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges/Universities or in Vocational Institutions where they are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual classes.

The practice teaching program is done under the supervision of a faculty member as well as the advisory teacher. Formal and informal classroom observations are conducted regularly. Among the requirements of practice teaching is the creation of plans for classroom management and instruction.

The number of hours required for both Practicums may differ in each university.

Board Exam

To become a Licensed teacher in the Philippines, a graduate of Technical Teacher Education needs to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). The examination is conducted by the Board of Professional Teachers under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).  The LET exam is usually conducted twice a year during the month of January and July.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education program can teach in the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), vocational schools, private and livelihood training centers, as well as charitable institutions that aims to train the oppressed sectors of society to develop specific skills that they can use to earn money and become financially independent. They could apply as a vocational teacher, technical instructor, high school teacher, university professor, mechanic, or technician.

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Reviews of Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education graduates:

M. R.
◈ Studied Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education
◈ At Marikina Polytechnic College
◈ Graduated 2013

list bulletWhy did I choose Technical Teacher Education: My family chose this course for me. I am still having second thoughts about pursuing a career in teaching.

list bulletAbout my college education: BTTE taught me how to teach English to Technical Vocational students. Ironically, the most difficult subjects were the education units like Principles of Teaching and Social Dimensions of Teaching. My interest are simply not in those topics and my professor didn't make much effort to get it.

I guess one of the most useful things I learned is to enjoy what you're doing, so one has to choose a course, choose one that you love with all your heart. Put practicality aside, because one way or another, however much practical the course is, if you don't love or enjoy what you are doing, you'll end up unhappy and unfulfilled.
Another thing this course had taught me is that a teacher can make or break a student. I learned that I should not take the students' failures and mistakes to heart to the point of crushing their dreams. I learned that being a teacher, I am here to help them build it, polish it and achieve it.

Exams are not just paper-and-pencil. Being teachers and all, we have demonstrations, seminars and portfolios to pass. Fortunately, out of 80 English Majors, only 2 failed and 10 shifted courses in all those 4 years. I think it has something to do with how our teachers guided us and helped us hold on.

Faith, confidence and determination. That is all you need to finish this course. You must have faith in God that He will never leave you and that He put this calling in your heart. Confidence in your choices and your decisions is needed so you won't have a troubled heart. Lastly, just be determined that you can do anything as long as you put your heart to it.

list bulletMy current job: I am currently Data Processor in the call center industry.
I listen to recorded calls and categorize them depending on client specifications.

list bulletAm I using what I learned in college: I learned to adapt. I must be what others need and be the best I can be. I also learned that pretending to love what I do won't get me anywhere. I may not be teaching right now or anytime soon, but I know I want to touch lives. To do that, I must always give my best.

list bulletHow long did it take to find a job: I already was hired even before graduation. Though my classmates who pursued teaching got jobs before the summer even ended.

list bulletDo I recommend studying Technical Teacher Education: Being a graduate of Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education, you get a lot of options. You can teach technical vocational college, grade 8-12, or even elementary students. You can be at an office with administrative or executive position.

Salary level actually depends on the job, but if you pursue teaching, get a license and a Master's degree, your salary would be more than enough. Fresh graduates normally get to private schools first, offering 8k to 17k, depending on the school. A more experienced teacher, on the other hand, can get 18k to 22k depending on the school.

list bulletAdvice to people who are thinking of studying this course: If one wants to be a teacher, he must make sure that he REALLY loves to teach and touch lives. If he doesn't, he'll only exhaust himself in the process.
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