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Automotive Servicing (NCII) studies in the Philippines

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Program Overview

Automotive Servicing NC II is a technical-vocational program that trains students how to inspect, maintain and repair light and heavy-duty automotive vehicles. The Auto Servicing NC II program covers both mechanical and electrical components, including the battery, ignition, clutch, brakes, lighting, steering and suspension systems.

The Auto Servicing NC II program is supervised and accredited by TESDA (a government agency that regulates vocational courses), and TESDA-accredited education institutions may offer this program. The program may also be incorporated in undergraduate courses such as BS in Industrial Technology (BSIT) and BS in Industrial Education (BSIE).

Course structure

The course structure for Automotive Servicing NC II is divided into the following modules:
  • Basic Competencies (18 hours)
    • Participate in workplace communication
    • Work in a team environment
    • Practice career professionalism
    • Practice occupational health and safety procedures
  • Common Competencies (40 hours)
    • Applying appropriate sealant/adhesive
    • Moving and positioning vehicle
    • Performing mensuration and calculation
    • Reading, interpreting and applying specification and manual
    • Using and applying lubricant/coolant
    • Performing shop maintenance
    • Prepare job estimates
    • Interpret/Draw technical drawing
    • Practice health, safety and environment procedures
    • Inspect technical quality of work
    • Maintain quality systems
    • Provide work skill instructions
    • Identify and select original automotive parts and products
  • Core Competencies (618 hours)
    • Service Automotive Battery
    • Service Ignition System
    • Test and Repair Wiring / Lighting System
    • Service Starting System
    • Service Charging System
    • Service Engine Mechanical System
    • Service Clutch System
    • Service Differential and Front Axle
    • Service Steering System
    • Service Brake System
    • Service Suspension System
    • Perform Under Chassis Preventive Maintenance
    • Overhaul Manual Transmission

Is Automotive Servicing a profession?

Automotive (Auto) Servicing is a profession. A certificate in Automotive Servicing, combined with professional experience, makes one a professional Automotive Mechanic/Technician.

Entry Requirements for Automotive Servicing NC II

The basic requirements for trainees of Automotive Servicing NC II as set by TESDA includes the following:
  • Can communicate both oral and written
  • Can perform basic mathematical computation
Schools and training centers offering this program may include additional requirements.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

  • Strong Technical Skills – the knowledge and ability to learn, operate and control properly and safely an extensive range of equipment, tools and systems used in the field.
  • Logical skills – the ability to determine how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes
  • Problem solving skills – the ability to identify cause-effect relationships of automotive malfunctions; evaluate vehicle or instrument responses; synthesize data, draw sound conclusions.
  • Endurance to uncomfortable work environment – the ability to endure working in a noisy, hot environment, and getting dirty on a regular basis.
  • Physical Endurance – the ability to remain continuously on task for several hours while standing, sitting, moving, lifting, bending and/or working in awkward positions.
  • Being Detail Oriented – the ability to notice and identify even the most minute problems in a system, process or equipment

How long does it take to complete the Auto Servicing NC II program in the Philippines?

The recommended duration of Automotive Servicing NC II program according to TESDA regulations is 676 hours. However the duration may be longer due to the OJT or the school's curriculum.

On the Job Training (OJT)

TESDA-accredited institutions may integrate an On the Job Training (OJT) in the course content for Automotive Servicing NC II. You may be assigned in auto repair shops, service and parts management companies, automobile sales companies, automotive insurance service companies and similar businesses where you will have a chance to practice auto servicing in an actual work environment.

The required number of hours for OJT varies from one institution to another.

Assessment and Certification

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the regulating body for all vocational courses in the Philippines and is in-charge of the assessment and certification of the competencies of technical-vocational workers through the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS). The assessment process aims to determine whether the graduate will be able to perform according to workplace standards based on a defined competency standard. Certification is given to those who meet the competency standards.

The Assessment and Certification process is not required among graduates of vocational courses. Graduate trainees have the option whether to undergo the process or not. However, a TESDA certification will give a graduate an advantage since local and foreign companies who hire skilled workers may require this credential.

Graduates of Auto Servicing NC II are advised to take the Assessment and Certification Exam, National Certificate – Level II (NCII).

The National Certificate is only valid for five years, which means that it has to be renewed. The requirements and steps in applying for assessment and certification as well as the methods used for assessment are found in the TESDA website.

Career Opportunities for Automotive Servicing NC II graduates

  • Automotive Mechanic/Technician – work in repair shops where they repair, inspect and maintain cars and other light vehicles.
  • Tune-up Technician – specializes in adjusting ignition timing and valves; the work is very precise and must be performed with extreme accuracy.
  • Auto Parts Technician – familiar with a wide variety of automotive parts; helps and explains to clients the appropriate parts that are appropriate for their automotive needs
  • Brake Repairer – possesses extensive knowledge about automotive brakes. Common tasks include replacing brake pads, adjusting brakes, and making other repairs and adjustments.
  • Auto Body Painter – plan and execute repair and painting jobs on a variety of vehicles, including cars, trucks and buses.
  • Retail Service Technician – perform Vehicle Maintenance: change oil, oil filter, fuel filter, transmission flush, and inspection of vehicle for mechanical deficiencies.
  • Motorcycle Mechanic – specializes in repairing and maintaining motorcycles.
  • College/Vocational instructor – teaches auto servicing in a college or vocational school.

Salary Levels

Auto Mechanic P 9K–15K
Supervisor / Senior Auto Mechanic P 15K–22K

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