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Associate in Computer Technology in the Philippines

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Program Overview

The Associate in Computer Technology (ACT) provides students with the basic skills and knowledge required in the field of computer science, information systems, and information technology. It serves as a foundation for baccalaureate programs in computer science and information technology.

Why You Should Take an Associate's Degree in Computer Technology?

The Associate in Computer Technology program is useful for student who wish to gain a foundational knowledge in computer science and information technology. As it the program is intended to lead to a baccalaureate program, those who wish to take the ACT should also plan to get an undergraduate degree in any computer science and information technology related programs.

Admission requirements for Associate in Computer Technology program in the Philippines

  • Must have the original and photocopy of the high school report card (form 138)
  • Must have recommendation from High school principal and guidance counsellor
  • Must have most recent medical and dental health record
  • Must take and pass the college entrance examination
  • Must have a copy of NSO certified birth certificate
  • Must have a certificate of good moral character
  • Must have a copy of the honourable dismissal
  • Must have a copy of the high school diploma
  • One 2”x 2” copy of latest photo

Duration of Associate in Computer Technology program in the Philippines

The Associate in Computer Technology program takes 2 years to complete.

Subjects included in the Associate in Computer Technology program

  • Computer Concepts
  • Presentation Skills in Information Technology
  • Fundamentals of Problem Solving with Logical Formulation
  • Data Structure and Algorithm
  • Quality Assurance
  • Operating Systems
  • Programming
  • Electronics
  • Computer Installation and Troubleshooting
  • Principles of File Organization
  • System Management and Administration
  • Data Communication and Network Technology
  • System Analysis and Design
  • Database Management Systems
  • Computer System Organization

Career opportunities for graduates of Associate in Computer Technology program in the Philippines

  • Programmer
  • Systems Integration Personnel
  • IT Audit Personnel
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Quality Assurance Specialist

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Reviews of Associate in Computer Technology graduates:

M. E.
◈ Studied Associate Course in Computer Technology
◈ At La Consolacion College - Iriga City
◈ Graduated 2007

list bulletWhy did I choose Associate in Computer Technology: To learn more about computers

list bulletAbout my college education: I've learned visual basic programming. Programming subjects were the most useful things I've learned. History was the difficult subject for me because I'm not good in memorization. Everyone of us didn't experience failure in the exams, because our instructors gave us enough time to study before the exams.
Patience is required for succeeding this course.

list bulletMy current job: I'm currently working as Workforce Specialist I.
I do real time monitoring and sending reports to our client.

list bulletAm I using what I learned in college: I used my analytic thinking in my present job.

list bulletHow long did it take to find a job: I already had job before I graduated, I was a working student.

list bulletDo I recommend studying Associate in Computer Technology: Honestly no, because most of the companies now are looking for Bachelor Degree graduates.

list bulletAdvice to people who are thinking of studying this course: You should make sure that you wanted and liked the course.
Was this review useful to you? Usefull Not usefull
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