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AB in Social Science in the Philippines

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Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts major in Social Science is a four-year program that uses sociology, economics, geography, politics, history, anthropology, and geography to study specific cultural and geographical areas in the Philippines and Asia as a whole. It equips graduates with knowledge and skills in the administration and development of communities, housing, cooperatives, urban, and rural planning. The program aims to produce graduates who are competent for careers in teaching, research, advocacy work, and policy studies.

Recommended Senior High School Strand

Students who want to pursue a degree in Social Science are encouraged to take the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand under the Academic track. The curriculum focuses on human behavior, literature, education, politics, liberal arts, and society. The HUMSS strand will cover relevant topics that may be further discussed in their college lectures. 

Subjects and Curriculum

  • Governance of Indigenous community organizations
  • Introduction to alcohol and other drugs misuse
  • Practices and skills in community development
  • Principles and practices of treatment
  • Sports planning and development
  • Responding to community issues
  • Models and theories of drug use
  • Foundations of leisure services
  • Sociology of sport and leisure
  • Networking and collaboration
  • Public communications
  • Facility management
  • Sports management
  • Event management
  • Concepts of justice
  • Social analysis

Admission Requirements


  • The student must be a high school graduate. 

However, if they were not able to graduate high school, they may opt to take the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and pass the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) to qualify for college; the availability of courses for PEPT passers depend on the university.

  • The students must pass the College Admissions Test of the university.

Basic Requirements

  • Form 138 - High School Report Card (Original and Photocopy)
  • Recommendation letter from High school principal and guidance counselor
  • Most recent medical and dental health record
  • Copy of NSO Certified birth certificate
  • Certificate of Good moral character
  • Copy of honorable dismissal
  • Copy of high school diploma
  • (1) Latest 2”x2” ID Picture

Program Outcome

Graduates of AB in Social Science are expected to be able to:

  • Explain concepts and theories of social science accurately and thoroughly
  • Apply the competency in research when it comes to designing, implementing, and assessing social programs and projects
  • Analyze and solve social problems and issues
  • Effectively communicate ideas
  • Adhere to professional and ethical standards of social science

On-The-Job Training/Internship

During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in universities, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and research institutions. 

Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in an actual work setting. Usually, universities require them to submit a written report on their tasks, learning experiences, and hours rendered. Their work performance will also be evaluated by their immediate managers and will be submitted to their respective OJT coordinator. The number of hours required may differ in each university.

Board Exam

The AB in Social Science does not have a board examination. However, graduates may opt to take the Civil Service Examination (CSE) conducted by the Philippine Civil Service Commission (PCSC) to qualify in working in government offices. Some graduates opt to take a Master’s degree followed by a Doctorate degree to gain expertise in the industry. 

Career Opportunities


Graduates of AB in Social Science may pursue a career path in universities, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and research institutions. They may apply as a social welfare officer, social science instructor, social worker, information specialist, human resources specialist, academician or a researcher.

Reviews of AB in Social Science graduates:

list bulletAbout my college education: Studying in the University of the Philippines is one of the best things that happens to any newly graduated high school student. The UP Education is the best in the country in all aspects, more importantly in academics and extra-curricular activities. Being a graduate of a public high school in the province, it was a glaring light for me to have been accepted in the most prestigious university in the Philippines. At first, it was quite difficult adjusting because of the notion that all UP students carry prestige and excellence in everything they do. Moreover, it was difficult for me to adjust as I didn't know anybody during my freshman year. However, after some months, I found some friends that would help me get by my difficulties in company and academics. As challenging as it may seem, I was able to pull it off and survive the college journey.

Given these excitement, challenge and enjoyments, I was able to carry on with my course and graduated with a degree of BA Social Sciences, Major in Social Anthropology. In this course, one needs hard work and enthusiasm to keep the fire burning. Interpersonal skills is a must in order to uphold the title of being a social scientist.

Lastly, being in the University of the Philippines, one is able to develop his/her critical thinking, problem solving and creativity as all subjects and aspects of your stay at the university exercises one's rationality, honor, and integrity.

list bulletMy current job: At present, I am a University Researcher in one of the academic institutions here in the region.

list bulletAm I using what I learned in college: Being a researcher for five years now, all my knowledge and experiences during my college years are what practically make up my career now. Aside from my everyday experience, it is my upbringing in the university that defines who and what I am now.

All the research experience and the knowledge I gained in my Social Science subjects are being applied everyday. Being molded by the university through critical thinking, it is my rationalization that I use in every decision making that I make at present.

list bulletHow long did it take to find a job: I found my first job just 4-5 months after my graduation. I personally planned this to take a break for some time before setting sail to my new journey as part of the country's work force.

list bulletDo I recommend studying Social Science: With all my experiences and knowledge, I recommend that new generation should look into taking up Social Sciences as their course in college. The subjects, the practice and the applications of the course would definitely develop a person's character and skills which could be used in the every day world.

In terms of employment opportunities, there is a wide-ranging market that caters graduates of Social Sciences. There is always the teaching career, social work, research undertakings and many other endeavors that could be fulfilling to a social science graduate. Opportunities in the country as well as outside open regularly. And if one does not end up working in a government agency or private institution, it is always good for a social science graduate to conduct and write researches, as this could give him/her an opportunity to reach out in other fields.
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