About my college education:
Ever since I was a child, I enjoyed reading short stories and novels on a daily basis. I became an avid believer in the power of the written word. Entire scenes, characters and plots come to life, enabling ordinary people like ourselves to walk on worlds we never wake up to.
I decided to take up AB Literature during my college years so I could follow my passion. There was a lot of reading to do both inside and outside of the school, but it was exactly what I wanted. I became very fluent in speaking and writing using the English language, and this would propel me to greater opportunities once I started to work for a community development organization and an online news bureau. Creative writing subjects enabled me to use imagery, figures of speech, tone, and rhythm in my writing, allowing me to find my
"voice." My interpersonal skills also improved after reading about many different cultures and customs. It became easier to relate to people once I developed a sense of intuition for how they thought and what they liked. Literature does that to a person: it makes him/her intuitive to people and surroundings. I guess exploring other worlds in a written text draws good comparisons for our own.
In all things, and especially in a course that requires you to read hundreds of pages daily, it was always crucial to remember to work hard. Readers and writers improve through consistency, and I learned my lesson well.
My current job:
Freelancer writer and sound engineer.
Am I using what I learned in college:
Yes I am. In my work as a sound engineer for a sound & lighting rental company, I can interact with all sorts of people and get things done without pride or fear. I can motivate groups of people and also listen closely to their unique problems.
I also do various editing jobs as a freelance writer and I've found the confidence to do both creative and technical writing. My sentences read fluidly and easily, and I can meet the growing need for good writing for many individuals and institutions.
How long did it take to find a job:
Two months.
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