Why did I choose this school:
Proximity to home. Only two universities offered this course, the other being MSU in Mindanao. In addition to that, engineering graduates of UP Diliman could have a special discount in the application of Australian Visa. Australia's private contributor to it's economy is also mining thus there are also good opportunities if one chose to work there.
And in UP, you can choose what minor/general education (we call them GE) you can get. If you are an engineering student, you can take subjects in theater, writing, Japanese language subjects, etc. As long as you complete the required units.
About UP Diliman:
For the ambiance, it was pretty laid back studying there. Because the university promotes "freedom", there's a mix of different cultures yet everyone eventually has respect for each. One should love walking to explore every part of the university (food exploration is a must!) and sometimes a bit faster than riding jeep to next class in a different building. It's quite helpful to read first UP fun facts available online. In the morning or afternoon, the academic oval is full of joggers. If you are lucky, you might run into celebrities during their training.
The professors/instructors have different ways of teaching. For the general subjects, I once had a professor who is a director in a big media corporation. We made films in class and she constructively critique our works. No exams. Others would require field trips. One awesome PE subject - scuba diving. The instructor would carefully train each one and none failed the subject. In general, I could say that I did not have a dull professor. They are quirky in ways. The professors/instructors in the department are all very supportive in the goals of their students. They are strict and frank, of course, to open one's mind in what should be done to graduate. Ah, from what I remember, you are to given exams but you cannot find the right solution since in every problem, there could be ways in solving it or making a process design. I would say that their greatest contribution was the skills not only to pass the board exam but also the ones we would need as a professional metallurgical engineer.
Some buildings have air-conditioned rooms, more often they don't. Main transportation: jeepneys. Equipment are quite a few compared to other universities yet the ones needed in the undergraduate study are readily available in the laboratory. Equipment are surely reliable since companies ask the department to analyze some samples. The National Institute of Physics have advanced equipment available for use at a certain price and UP students have a discount.
Each college has it's own library and the college of engineering has two. One houses books in the field of EE, ECE, and ComSci while the other have the rest of the engineering courses. A University Library is also easy to find and where the computer facilities can be found (well most students go to Shopping Center though). Explore libraries of other colleges. You might have your own favorite place.
The university is so big that resting and socializing is not a problem. Being a member of an organization also has a benefit of having an exclusive "tambayan".
My current job:
Currently I am a consultant/metallurgical engineer in a cement manufacturing company. I assist my supervisor in analyzing core drills to know the composition and characteristics of the ore in an area to be mined.
How long did it take to find a job:
It took me only a month or less to find a job.
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